Flufformeowmeow October 28, 2020 10:20 am

Imagine waking up and getting chocked while someone is yelling at you then they let go and kiss you

    Mika October 28, 2020 10:23 am


    Eve October 28, 2020 10:25 am

    The skull emoji made me laugh harder why does it look like this

    ChezSoi October 28, 2020 10:25 am

    Wow, perspective...

    Onii-chanSenpai October 28, 2020 10:31 am
    The skull emoji made me laugh harder why does it look like this Eve

    The skull looks more smoother than my face,lol

    Flufformeowmeow October 28, 2020 10:34 am
    The skull looks more smoother than my face,lol ヽ(`Д´)ノ Onii-chanSenpai


    Lærke October 28, 2020 10:46 am

    skull emoji deadass makes everything funnier

    Flufformeowmeow October 28, 2020 11:11 am
    skull emoji deadass makes everything funnier Lærke

    IT DOES!

    feekapii October 28, 2020 11:17 am

    chile wish I was a skull, maybe i'll be better at comedy then.