
koka October 28, 2020 3:27 am

What an interesting story.....with a few buts.

A boy like Kisaragi in real life would never be a good boyfriend/SO, he's a natural jerk, never say anything, yes he kinda change in the end, but who wouldn't in new-found love. Any girl apart from Hiyoshi wouldn't last a year with him. He's the average project boy that's harmful for any girl. Anyway, though Kisaragi's character was a typical-shoujo-bad-boy, Hiyoshi's refreshing chara could balance it, so all is well.

Also, TBH this story could be written better without those cliche shoujo scenes (book falling, ML aces literally everything, ML helps FL control the class, the bad guys, FL teach ML by spooning her).

I've read too much shoujos, I just can't help it

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    HeninaKai November 9, 2020 1:25 am

    Bruhh why you gotta drop the reality like that on us stopppp ╥﹏╥

    koka November 9, 2020 8:35 am
    Bruhh why you gotta drop the reality like that on us stopppp ╥﹏╥ HeninaKai

    Coz I hate project guys. I hate to see anyone stuck with the ilussion of "maybe I can change him" and think that it's ok for anyone to treat you like a jerk then ended up miserable. Sometimes shoujos can be dangerous for young girls.

    OOT one of my closest friend's life is ruined 180° just because of a "project guy". She went from "the most succesfull woman in our circle, an inspiration for our little girls in the future" to "the one who borrow money every month and a lesson learned for the next gen". Just because she choose to care for a random jerk, it's just so sad.

    TheLazyEggYolk November 10, 2020 3:18 pm

    Ooh, I really like how you put that! Also I definitely agree. Realistically speaking, I don’t think a relationship with him would last more than at least three months.