Chapter 70 is removed.

Chamorie October 27, 2020 8:18 pm

We did it boys. The S2Manga chapter is no more.

    Noodle boo October 28, 2020 2:30 am

    They upload another one smh

    Bl loverr October 28, 2020 2:39 am

    Bruh it's better than it never updating be a little more grateful smh

    sk1911 October 28, 2020 2:44 am
    Bruh it's better than it never updating be a little more grateful smh Bl loverr

    i will not appreciate half assed translations from a sniping site that uses a thriving site like mangago to promote it's bullshit

    if you prefer quanitity over quality, you can just read there instead of here.

    Chamorie October 28, 2020 2:51 am
    Bruh it's better than it never updating be a little more grateful smh Bl loverr

    No, actually. Shoddy translations can actually ruin a story’s flow and make the readers confused about what’s going on, which would lead to some dropping the series. Chapter 70 and 71 by S2Manga weren’t made by the goodness of their hearts, they’re trying to snipe the translators and promote their website. And also, slow translations are actually rewarding if they were high quality like the ones before.

    Bl loverr October 28, 2020 3:00 am
    No, actually. Shoddy translations can actually ruin a story’s flow and make the readers confused about what’s going on, which would lead to some dropping the series. Chapter 70 and 71 by S2Manga weren’t m... Chamorie

    Sorry I didn't know, I just kept seeing so many people getting mad while I was just happy it upload and I was wondering what happened chapter 70 and I saw it got taken down and I was just like what about the people who want to read it like me so I got upset seeing you guys happy about taking down the chapter, but I get why your mad.

    Bl loverr October 28, 2020 3:05 am

    Sorry I didn't know, I was just mad that people kept complaining about the updates while i was just glad it updated, and I was wondering what happened to chapter 70, cause what about the people like me who just want to read the story and dont really mind but then saw that you guys reported the chapter and literally got it taken down and are happy about it, but I do get where your coming from.

    Shirayuki October 28, 2020 3:15 am
    Bruh it's better than it never updating be a little more grateful smh Bl loverr

    Look i understand where ur coming from b like they disrespected the original translators by not only taking their project, but also doing a poor job. If they are going to swipe someones project then they should at least aim to do a better job than the original translators. Finally we come to mangago to read, and they kinda ruin many peoples experience by using poor translations as bait to pull them to a different site. Like i understand if they are asking us to support the author if we can but theyre not even doing that theyre just promoting themselves.

    I apologize for my long ass rant, and if it feels passive aggressive but i just wanted to try to show you what i feel is the perspective of some the harsher comments. Anyway have a good day (◐‿◑)!

    Chamorie October 28, 2020 3:21 am
    Sorry I didn't know, I was just mad that people kept complaining about the updates while i was just glad it updated, and I was wondering what happened to chapter 70, cause what about the people like me who just... Bl loverr

    It’s okay.

    But to be honest, Chapters 70 and 71 are like a spit on the face for the original translators who worked so hard to put out a nice way for English speakers to read the manhwa. I’m glad you’re one of the few people who were able to decipher Chapter 70, but S2Manga has been attempting to snipe multiple manhwas and disrespecting the originals.

    Bl loverr October 28, 2020 3:38 am
    Look i understand where ur coming from b like they disrespected the original translators by not only taking their project, but also doing a poor job. If they are going to swipe someones project then they should... Shirayuki

    Thanks for telling me, they some real assholes

    Bl loverr October 28, 2020 3:39 am
    It’s okay.But to be honest, Chapters 70 and 71 are like a spit on the face for the original translators who worked so hard to put out a nice way for English speakers to read the manhwa. I’m glad you’re on... Chamorie

    Such horrible people smh

    Chamorie October 28, 2020 3:42 am
    Such horrible people smh Bl loverr

    Periodt. We just want to read -_- It’s not like they’re going to profit from doing this

    sk1911 October 28, 2020 5:55 am

    thank you for getting it