Can you share your source on this? It'd be a great help!

@Natsu here's all the link that I gather regarding Maiden Rose on being hiatus:
i hope it help.

Argh. . . ! Hiatus sucks but at least it's better than it being completely discontinued all together. I pray that the author/sensei continues on with it. It truly is a beautiful story and I very much want to see how this all develops. Tbh I'm kinda rooting for Klaus since he's been fighting and trying so hard. . . Even though he does seem to be going about it the hard/wrong way.
I think the reason why there aren't anymore updates is 'cause it is licensed now by DramaQueen. I've been digging around for quite a while now and so far I haven't been able to find anything on this supposed lawsuit Fusanosuke went through over "stealing" someone else's ideas. Apparently the manga is still ongoing but there could be complications for all I know. -shrugs- Like I said, I haven't been able to dig anything up on it other than licensing so if someone can enlighten me on the subject that would be great.