idk im just trying to make others see that the female lead is not really at fault here since women, even irl, are always judged for doing the deed in diff cases. like other ppl judging victims and saying why they didnt fight back or why didnt they tell others abt what they’re experiencing. in that case, it essentially reflects whats going in this story since the female lead is getting scrutinized for not questioning whats happening to her or whatnot. yet, the male leads who initiated the act and start this whole mess to begin with end up getting away scotfree and are not even getting scrutinized first and foremost.
and ofc i have judged other characters in the past but im not about to judge a female lead who ended up in an unfamiliar situation and whose only action so far is doing the deed with a stranger.

I know....
Look, I judge her as a character alone. As a person on the book not an actual person. I did that judgment basing from my own perception of things. Because as me, I value my opinion on things. I don't just go shut up and easily agree with things. If the situation is foreign to me or new to the eye, the first thing I would do is to question it. Because I hate regretting my decision, if I decided to do it, I'll own it with responsibility. I like assuring things before doing it. I don't just blindly agree or muting my opinion. With her decision, it made me question is things. Why'd she go with it? Would she got pregnant? Is she sure with this? What about going home? Is she safe? And stuff like that. So, it kinda doesn't sit right with me. Look, I really do understand your point but when I read your reply and comment was really offended. Not because we have diff. perception, you are right or I'm wrong. If you want to debate my opinion, like I said in one of my comments, I was confused with the flow of the story. So, you, sharing your opinions to me is fine, really. I DO UNDERSTAND AND AGREE with you. It's just that you came to strong that you sounded that our opinions were wrong and the worst part is you became to personal.
But seriously it's fine It's informative argument. I was smiling and giddy waiting for the comments. I just didn't comment right away from yesterday 'cuz I really got hurt
Is it just me or the story seems off... I mean, I don't mean to be too mean or rude but it started in a wrong path.
1. Isekaid but she seems so cool with it. Like without even questioning the whole scenario. Why she's there? Why her? Who are those people? How she got there? The basic WH Questions.
2. He's a stranger, girl! WTF! Not because he is so damn handsome, your just gonna spread your legs 'willingly'.
3. And again, your not questioning the stuffs happening. The events are fast and she's so cool with it...?