
remote.evening October 27, 2020 7:49 am

Is it just me or the story seems off... I mean, I don't mean to be too mean or rude but it started in a wrong path.

1. Isekaid but she seems so cool with it. Like without even questioning the whole scenario. Why she's there? Why her? Who are those people? How she got there? The basic WH Questions.

2. He's a stranger, girl! WTF! Not because he is so damn handsome, your just gonna spread your legs 'willingly'.

3. And again, your not questioning the stuffs happening. The events are fast and she's so cool with it...?

    I am your girlfriend now October 27, 2020 10:54 pm
    It wasn't a main reason to not having sex with him it was an example. I'm just pointing out that things could've gone much worse for her because she didn't think things through Cyanglimmer

    I don't think that there is much choice here for her. Although I would like for her to use her brain as well

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 3:53 am
    I don't think that there is much choice here for her. Although I would like for her to use her brain as well I am your girlfriend now

    Yeahhh... I mean. Your in a totally foreign land and instead of wondering where you are, she just went with the flow and let an unknown man make a way on you....?

    hxhism October 28, 2020 4:48 am
    But didn't u say she can sleep with anyone she wanted? Yes she didn't initiated the act but in a way she consented to it. Maybe if she was raped what u said would make more sense Cyanglimmer

    are u even reading what i’m saying? i said in THE case YOU mentioned abt the std, she would still be the victim since she’s the one who got dragged into all of this shit anw. so there’s still no need to blame her/get angry at her for doing the deed even if she did end up catching that disease.

    and you’re forgetting that in this world, she’s the one who was summoned forcibly by these ppl into another world so the way u judge her and hold her accountable for the things that are happening to her is just wrong. it’s not like she had much of a choice with all the events that are happening since she never initiated it to begin with.

    like i said in another reply, if you’re gonna blame or get angry at someone then blame the male leads. they’re the ones at fault here.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 5:00 am

    Look what I found in Mr. Google...

    ❝Can STD be cured?

    Bacterial STDs can be cured with antibiotics if treatment begins early enough. Viral STDs cannot be cured, but you can manage symptoms with medications. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B, but it will not help if you already have the disease. ❞

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 5:01 am
    Look what I found in Mr. Google... ❝Can STD be cured?Bacterial STDs can be cured with antibiotics if treatment begins early enough. Viral STDs cannot be cured, but you can manage symptoms with medications. Th... remote.evening

    I wonder if there's any update on AIDS...? Gimme a minute... I'll surf down the net...

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 5:06 am
    attempting to make the story make sense will just give us all headaches I am your girlfriend now

    I was actually checking on NovelUpdate Forum to see any spoilers... To maybe help but I didn't see much there.

    hxhism October 28, 2020 5:07 am
    Yeahhh... I mean. Your in a totally foreign land and instead of wondering where you are, she just went with the flow and let an unknown man make a way on you....? remote.evening

    what about the male leads? have u ever criticized their tradition of forcibly summoning girls into their world and doing the deed w them during the first night? have u ever questioned why this tradition is so wrong in so many ways? EVEN if its necessary for the reproduction or whatnot in this world, u can’t deny that all the females they summoned are the victims here. can you even imagine how scary that is from a girl’s perspective? imagine living your life happily and just suddenly having all of that taken away from you and u end up in a foreign land suddenly and u are now required to do the deed with the males in that world.

    why are u so deadset on criticizing the female lead for ending up in a situation she didnt have much of a choice to be in to begin with?

    like... y’all are clearly looking at this situation in the wrong perspective. criticize the ones who forced these girls into this situation. don’t criticize the female lead bc it’s not like they have the power/control in this situation.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 5:18 am
    what about the male leads? have u ever criticized their tradition of forcibly summoning girls into their world and doing the deed w them during the first night? have u ever questioned why this tradition is so w... hxhism

    So, now your asking my opinion? I thought I'm a "DUMBass" (remember?) and a MISOGYNIST (according to you...) so, yeah...

    You are focus in criticizing my own criticism to her while criticizing me. As you said, we have diff. perspective in this story. Don't push your own point of view in mine, 'cuz I'm not you. And not because we see her in the same light as you, you'll call us MISOGYNIST. We are arguing about the character but your so deadset insulting us just because we have diff. stand in this story. You said, it's not the matter of good or bad, then you should know that there is a grey area.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 5:42 am
    what about the male leads? have u ever criticized their tradition of forcibly summoning girls into their world and doing the deed w them during the first night? have u ever questioned why this tradition is so w... hxhism

    Ohhh... Almost forgot. About the MLs. They summoned girls from another world because there's no female in Elysian. And about the tradition, more like a ritual actually. They needed the females for their converting skill of mana inside their bodies.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 6:15 am
    what about the male leads? have u ever criticized their tradition of forcibly summoning girls into their world and doing the deed w them during the first night? have u ever questioned why this tradition is so w... hxhism

    We are not condemning her. We are questioning her and her action. You said, there is no choice. Will, hon, there is always a choice even if it seems none.

    We are all curious on why would she let the ML have his way on her? You said, she didn't "willingly" agreed. Then, will take it into consideration. But why did she not fight back or just simply ask. She could just ask the ML or the male servants, on why does she have to sleep with him? Why does she have to choose from either the two males? What was happening? Why was she there? But she did not. On Chapter 2, we saw her waking up and a servant came to the room. Okay, we can say she was flustered with all the events from last night, with sudden summoning and sleeping with the ML. And yet, again she DID NOT question what was happening? She act like it was a normal day in her life. She got summoned to another world and her attitude was so passive.

    And your right. We are judging her. Criticizing her action and the result maybe positive, negative or impartial. BUT WE ARE NOT CONDEMNING HER. You just made it seem like I'm calling her names, when I didn't. I was commenting about THE STORY while you're fixated on pushing your opinion about her s** life on us.

    And, again, we are ARGUING ABOUT THE CHARACTER not me. Yet, you've been attacking me on personal level. Did I call you "DUMBASS"? Do I deserve to be called as a MISOGYNIST?

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 6:31 am
    it’s not a matter of being good/bad. what matters is it’s a person’s own CHOICE whether she wants to do it with a stranger. really, it’s not that big of a deal to have *** with a stranger. at the end of... hxhism

    By the way... I wasn't judging a woman or women, in general. I was judging Yo In-ah, the character. Did I ever pointed fingers in another woman here? As far I know, we are talking about the character, Yo In-ah. Your only pointing that out because that's all you understand from the story so far. Right now, that's the only clear info we have in the story. But even so, you could have atleast(yet again) question the situation she is in.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 6:48 am

    You want us to understand your point. Okay, we get it. She got summoned from another world that has a dire need for females.

    Yes, she is a victim but hey, she's a victim that doesn't seems like a victim. She just went with the flow. No rejection, no wondering why's there or where she is.

    She's not in the position to control the situation? Yes, she doesn't but does that mean, she should just be cool with it with what was happening to her?

    We are not Criticizing her in "HER SITUATION" but how "SHE HANDLES HER SITUATION". Would it kill her to ask what was happening to her?

    We empathise with her. And we understand that she maybe in confusion (although it wasn't shown in the webtoon) with all the sudden events, that is why we are reacting like this. Would you do the same as her? Because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. Okay, let's say the s** part is inevitable, but I would have question it. I would wonder how I get there, why I would have to do that and keep asking until they answer no more. Or maybe, do it AFTER the s**. BUT SHE DOES NEITHER of it. After s**, she just went her way like she was never summon and its a completely normal thing to do.

    hxhism October 28, 2020 7:15 am
    Ohhh... Almost forgot. About the MLs. They summoned girls from another world because there's no female in Elysian. And about the tradition, more like a ritual actually. They needed the females for their convert... remote.evening

    and what even is your point for saying this? does this even justify their reasoning for forcing these girls like the female lead into that situation?

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 7:20 am
    and what even is your point for saying this? does this even justify their reasoning for forcing these girls like the female lead into that situation? hxhism

    Will, you asked, didn't you?

    FORCING? The other girls may have (but the webtoon didn't show it) but the FL? Does she look force to you? Seems like we are reading a diff. story entirely...

    hxhism October 28, 2020 7:29 am
    We are not condemning her. We are questioning her and her action. You said, there is no choice. Will, hon, there is always a choice even if it seems none.We are all curious on why would she let the ML have his ... remote.evening

    huh?? are you even listening to yourself? wdym there is always a choice even when there’s none??? care to explain on that?

    and you’re completely interpreting all my words into smth else. I SAID she doesnt have much of a choice to refer to her situation wherein she got forcibly summoned into another world. AND when did i say she didnt “willingly” agree to the deed??? ive been saying all the time that if she wants to do the deed then let her do it but dont judge her for it or insult her.

    and see, you’re still putting even more pressure on the female lead which means you still don’t get my point. you don’t have the right to judge how she reacts to doing the deed/after doing the deed bc IF we take into the account the fact that she was summoned into this world, then she’s the VICTIM here. so anything she does shouldnt be criticized BC SHE DOESNT HAVE MUCH POWER/CONTROL/CHOICE OVER THIS WHOLE SHIT TO BEGIN WITH.

    the fact that ure even questioning WHY shes not questioning the events happening to her just means that ure still judging her.

    hxhism October 28, 2020 7:31 am
    By the way... I wasn't judging a woman or women, in general. I was judging Yo In-ah, the character. Did I ever pointed fingers in another woman here? As far I know, we are talking about the character, Yo In-ah.... remote.evening

    i dont get why ure even bringing that up since im only using that as an example to bring up the female lead’s situation alongside other females who got summoned and ended up in that situation suddenly lmao

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 7:34 am

    I didn't question that because the information is already present. And, don't get me wrong I am not defending the ML's action. I never did and never will. Because sure enough, you'll gonna picked that out and used it against me

    Their actions is described on the webtoon already. Did you even read it?

    Your mad because I was questioning the FL, so now your cornering for not bringing up the ML's behavior.

    The FL's settting is limited almost like a side chara (a chara could even be awesome) and the way she handles her situation is even more intriguing. But, if you look back at the ML's setting, their behavioural pattern could be seen. The way they argue for her is because of necessity. Because, remember? Elysia doesn't have females. They needed her for converging there "estra" to "intra".

    Basically, they wanted her as a tool. Although she did capture their attentions.

    And yet again, she did not question those action. Why didn't she? Why did just choose without wondering WHY SHE HAS TO CHOOSE?

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 7:37 am
    i dont get why ure even bringing that up since im only using that as an example to bring up the female lead’s situation alongside other females who got summoned and ended up in that situation suddenly lmao hxhism

    Will, you did started it by making it sound that I was judging a women in general... When I was solely talking about the chara.

    hxhism October 28, 2020 7:44 am
    You want us to understand your point. Okay, we get it. She got summoned from another world that has a dire need for females. Yes, she is a victim but hey, she's a victim that doesn't seems like a victim. She ju... remote.evening

    “a victim that doesnt seem like a victim”??? do you know how messed up that even sounds lmao. there’s a term called “victim blaming” look that up. the fact that you even brought that up just means you’re still against the fl for doing the deed.

    and like i said in my other reply since u keep repeating your words:
    “you don’t have the right to judge how she reacts to doing the deed/after doing the deed or how she handles things bc IF we take into the account the fact that she was summoned into this world, then she’s the VICTIM here. so anything she does shouldnt be criticized BC SHE DOESNT HAVE MUCH POWER/CONTROL/CHOICE OVER THIS WHOLE SHIT TO BEGIN WITH.”

    she can react/handle things in whichever way she wants. if she wants to do the deed w/o protesting then let her do it. if she doesn’t want to think abt it afterwards then let her do it as well. it’s a messed up situation and the only one who lost anything in this case is the fl. the least you can do is not criticize her for the way she handles/reacts to things.

    and i guess i was too harsh w my insult abt you since idek you to begin with but i was too riled up that day seeing comments criticizing the fl for doing the deed. so sorry for calling you a dumbass, but my point still stands abt this whole argument.

    remote.evening October 28, 2020 7:49 am
    huh?? are you even listening to yourself? wdym there is always a choice even when there’s none??? care to explain on that? and you’re completely interpreting all my words into smth else. I SAID she doesnt h... hxhism

    Of course we are judging her. It's her story. It a story and she's the main chara.

    VICTIM? of course a WILLING VICTIM is still a victim. My bad, we happen to have a diff. meaning for the word victim here. And by the way, is it mandatory to understand your point? 'Cuz I just said, we have diff. point of view, so stop pushing yours to me. And don't tell me to stop judging them because that's part of the reading experience Whether I will love the chara or not and please, your making it sound that judging is a crime. Have you not judge a chara negatively before that other people adored?