To the uneducated discriminatory skeleton

Rosepainter October 26, 2020 2:29 am

Trans people dont make you gay, and being around gay people dont make you gay.
You actually have to sleep with them and prefer cis or trans men to be gay. Sexuality isn't something that is the same as the 3 sexes or various genders. I swear, I'm arguing with myself lol dam fiction got me fucked up lol. Ugh #-.-)
I have said this before, but it's a trend I am seeing. Alot of manga the past 20 years I have read them always drag cis and trans women down. As if those women are just disgraceful, cis women are villains and treat gays like token shopping bags, and trans women are degraded and have their woman hood stripped from them like jokes as well as being villains. I really am glad webtoons were invented, the artists can interact with trends and fans more. Even though they dont most of the time but still they know now that misogyny should be at least avoided, unless doing a cis or trans female lead storytelling were misogynistic remarks are gonna be common. But in yoai I just think it's a bit outdated for men to just hate women like that. ( ̄へ ̄)
This I guess is more so a guttural cry at all the pent of feelings as a woman I feel when I see that. I just roll my eyes like bitch.....come on!!!!!! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Rosepainter October 28, 2020 2:38 pm
    the person from the original post is really knowledgeable and totally right but in super simple terms sex and gender are different, sex has to do with your biology, gender is a social construct and what you ide... okk

    Honey this man doesn't know Jack shit about this subject. He is just speaking out of ass. Like as if he does understand that the topic. The original comment was being with a trans woman doesn't make someone gay (which it doesn't) and being around gay cis, and trans men or lesbian cis, and trans women doesn't make you gay. Look were we are and look who your fighting with. I gave him literally decades of research and that is still not good enough. You at some point have to leave those who dont want to change to their own devices( I feel bad if they pass that on to their kids). I mean it is simple, sex and gender are different slightly but this shit wont matter 200 years from now. Reproduction is not a trait only cis females have, we will have to evolve beyond that if you want to survive climate changes. So remember that when arguing with ignorance, sometimes it's best to let crazy people talk then to have 2 crazy people talk. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Blaubeerchen27 October 28, 2020 4:08 pm
    Your wrong, I just proved that, intersexed is the simple and only reason life on earth exists。I dont want to repeat myself because if you did not understand that explanation then you dont know much about wha... Rosepainter literally think humans can reproduce asexually in the future? Calling me a flat-earther is kind of ironic now, imho. I know you probably feel REALLY high and mighty, but your gender studies degree has obviously not been able to teach you anything, let alone read and understand a single Wikipedia article.
    You wall of text doesn't prove anything (except that maybe you have a bit too much time on your hands), everything you write is based on your opinion and hopes, not actual research. Also, don't start the whole sexist debate here (I'm a woman myself), I won't discredit men and their research just out of spite and because of their sex, like you obviously do.
    An intersex person doesn't "transition", they just want to live a normal life, like most people do, which is why they usually take hormones. Nothing bad about that.
    Also, very nice of you to think YOU of all people speak for the whole "science community" (whoever that is).
    (And, for the last time - intersex LITERALLY means "between the two sexes". I understand not everyone had greek or latin in school, but for the love of god, stop spouting shit if you can't be arsed to google the most simple of words.)

    okk October 28, 2020 6:13 pm
    Factually wrong, the nativa tribes you describe never viewed these people as another gender. They simply were assigned another role in society due to their sexuality, but it was more in the form of making them ... Blaubeerchen27

    no... i literally learned this shit in school also "all Native American societies acknowledged three to five gender roles: Female, male, Two Spirit female, Two Spirit male and transgendered."
    that's just from a quick google, no one was outcast, they became outcasts when europeans started forcing their western norms on native americans
    this isn't limited to native american cultures and occurs in countless other places, in india you have Hijra who are biological men at birth who transition and devote themselves to a goddess. their gender itself is referred to as hijra. they were originally viewed as holy in their countries but as a result of colonialism and westernization theyre now looked down on and many are known to resort to sex work. similar to what happened with native americans. so not factually wrong just give it a quick google .

    okk October 28, 2020 6:21 pm
    Is anyone here NOT learning their biology from Tumblr?Intersex is NOT a new sex - the name itself already states the people are born BETWEEN the two sexes. This has nothing to do with "invalidation", nearly eve... Blaubeerchen27

    intersex is its own sex but by definition appears as a variation of traits belonging to both male and female sexes. intersex correction surgery is actually a topic of controversy because many who are subjected to it as children later suffer from gender dysphoria, nowadays its actually becoming more common not to preform surgery or provide hormones to children and let them simply live as they so that if they want to transition to another sex they can make that decision for themselves (although many don't ever transition). while sex is a biological fact its not a binaryapnd its not a determinant of gender, its not just men and women, intersex is its own sex, not an in-between that needs to be changed to one or the other. and ur right about androgyny but gender isn't really religious?

    okk October 28, 2020 6:26 pm
    Honey this man doesn't know Jack shit about this subject. He is just speaking out of ass. Like as if he does understand that the topic. The original comment was being with a trans woman doesn't make someone ga... Rosepainter

    ur right, u really types a whole thesis paper for this person and they're still confused lol

    Blaubeerchen27 October 28, 2020 7:27 pm
    intersex is its own sex but by definition appears as a variation of traits belonging to both male and female sexes. intersex correction surgery is actually a topic of controversy because many who are subjected ... okk

    Why does everyone here think they are so clever? Of course I am "confused", most of what you write either isn't true or simply not very thoughful.

    The native americans: I know the term Two-Spirited but even from your article, the only real definition I see fitting is transgender. I personally don't categorize transgender as a NEW gender, but rather as a person who wants to transition from one to the other. The majority of the transgender community feels the same about this.

    In regards to Hijras (I'm happy you used them as an example) - they are men forced to live as women, due to their homosexuality. I know about the goddess and everything, but that doesn't change the fact that many of them are FORCED to live like that. It's not a choice and probably the best example for "being an outcast due to being different". I know there's this weird ideology of Indians being so open-minded in regards to sex and gender, but they are pretty much one of the most conservative people out there. "Hijras" are the result of most indian men not wanting a gay neighbour, so to speak.

    In regards to the intersex operations - the main reason why parents do not wait until their children are older is due to the fact that it is MUCH easier for the body to change into one of either sexes at an early age. The older you get, the more issues will hormones will cause to their body. Additionally, no parent wants to subject their child to being that different, it might cause a myriad of mental issues if the child never feels like it belongs to either sex (like it or not, the world uses the binary). Also, intersex means "between the sexes", I lost count how many times I wrote that now.

    In regards to my remark about the "religiousness" of gender - I know the theory of genders being potentially endless. However, part of taking this as a fact is actually believeing in it, which many people do not do. Like religion, everyone has to decide that for themselves.

    okk October 28, 2020 10:10 pm
    Why does everyone here think they are so clever? Of course I am "confused", most of what you write either isn't true or simply not very thoughful.The native americans: I know the term Two-Spirited but even from... Blaubeerchen27

    ok im literally done after this but ur still thinking along the lines of gender binary, people aren't either men or women there are other options.
    there are countless genders and that's what i was saying about native americans, the article i linked cites five genders that native americans believe in so you can't negate that statement because those are their literal beliefs. the fact you feel like two-spirit is just transgender and is therefore still either male or female makes no sense because there are FIVE genders.

    hijra aren't forced to live like that, they are devotees and have only recently been persecuted as a result of western ideological expansion. historically they were very respected and honored. hijra is also officially recognized in india as its own gender.

    also trans women are still women ur right, but they just happen to adhere to the gender binary, many genders don't. and that's also what i meant when i said sex is not a determinant of gender, your sex can be male but your gender can be female or other, once again sex and gender are two different things and should not be confused. you can argue up and down that intersex isn't its own sex (despite the SCIENTIFIC evidence you were provided with) but you cannot say there are only two genders, hijra and the various two spirit gender identities are all cultural and recognized genders but you also have non-cultural more common genders like gender non conformming, gender fluid, and agender.

    Rosepainter October 29, 2020 5:40 am
    ok im literally done after this but ur still thinking along the lines of gender binary, people aren't either men or women there are other options. there are countless genders and that's what i was saying about ... okk

    Dont argue with aunt uneducated person dear. Just let them be, you give then the latest invitations and textbook knowledge and they still refuse to drink. Be better then them, this is the type of person is statistically hypocritical.
    They barely know anything about science, history, biology, evolution, and theory. This person benefits from people like who study to prove that things are the way they are because nature is diverse the galaxy is diverse. That is beyond them, if you continue to respond to this cis woman they are gonna sound more stupid the more they talk about high school lvl education vs. Someone who has lived most of their life working with professors, attending seminars, keeping up with health boards of science, studying the technology, surgeries, world history, and learning 3 other languages to study abroad. To learn more then just shit you are fed in school. Statistically education in high school essentially in the west because I'm assuming this individual is from there. They were taught science from 120 years ago. My advice let the ignorant remain ignorant, they dont have literally clue how much of a laugh most people in the science community would have if they acuse me of being a cis man hater. When I literally just said the truth. (⊙…⊙ ) let stupid be stupid.

    Rosepainter October 29, 2020 6:50 am literally think humans can reproduce asexually in the future? Calling me a flat-earther is kind of ironic now, imho. I know you probably feel REALLY high and mighty, but your gender studies degree has ... Blaubeerchen27

    I am a cis intersexed woman watch your dam mouth before you speak about shit you don't understand, we dont take hormones because are body are unbalanced typically. Nature does that for us, you take hormones when you want to increase, fertility, secondary sex features, or are considering sex transition.
    intersexed is someone of both sexes not "between"(● ̄(エ) ̄●), they are a organism that can mono reproduce. Homosapians lost that ability due to climate changes and evolution.
    ( in my opinion it is due to decreasing numbers in reproduction between intersexed mammals and cis female mammals.)

    Your "normal" is a society norm, things are changing, the future due to climate change will slowly erase many gender barriers or social issues.

    I am speaking on behalf of my 20 years of experience in the field that includes, the doctors, professors, individuals, colleagues, and theory of science. Your bullshit excuse of experience doesn't hold any weight to that other then your opinion which is shit to be honest. I am not a biased person I just tell shit like it is. I would rather show what science has found and state the case, then to those who think science from nearly 120 years ago still holds the same value to science in 2020 or 2340.

    I never intentionally discriminated, that was you from the first comment you made wtf are you talking about.(⊙…⊙ )
    If I assumed you were a cis man it was simply that your vibe comes off that way. I was referring to gender in the past history of science and the journey that it has been through as a practice. Gender mattered more then sex in the early stages of democracy. Those who (before treatment options) that fit into gender roles in society typically were treated one way or the other from history around the world. History shows that cis, intersexed and trans women were never treated for female health care because they thought all types of women where deformities of cis men. So for a intersexed women with menstrual problems that went to a priest for healing. He would cut her clitorious off because he thought it would trap her urges and cure her form. That is the difference vs now where we know sex is highly diverse, as well as gender. And speaking of the Roman's and Greeks you as a cis woman should know their treatment of any feminine individuals. Cis Women who were pregnant were forced to work in field because they believed them to be cis men. They were not allowed much civil rights because they were considered field workers and slaves. The cis women in stories you see like goddess were individuals who where related to each other so they could have a relatively easier life. Royal copulation

    And yes to answer you simply any human organism with a X chromosome can give birth no matter the gender. Asexual is exactly how it sounds a FUCKING SEXUALITY not a gender (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜......... you can reproduce with out sex plants do it, amphibians do it lol.

    Currently the only advancements in reproduction currently confirmed is for intersexed women, cis females, and trans woman. Because they all (depending on the genital at the time pursuing reproduction) have vaginas which is essential for monitoring the fetus. The current known methods being practiced are;

    Stem cell- taking a tissue sample and by using laser therapy growing a organ from their DNA examples organs include uterus, and ovaries. This is a 100% body acceptance rate due to the fact it is your own natural organ. The baby comes to term and is born through c section. This is the current method being invested in for the near future.

    Organ transplant- this has already been published and is proven through testing that it works.
    As the name suggests taking a donor organ and transplanting into the body. The problem here is rejection and rejection drugs hurting the baby. The baby is born depending on vaginal strength of cis, intersexed or transwomen CAN be but not recommended vaginally so csection is still used here.

    Last one I know of is future stuff 200 years+ most of those like myself who are in the know about this only know simple information but it is highly complex.

    (To me in my unwanted opinion this is highly dangerous given the current climate were are socially. I know of it but I think it's a gateway darker subjects like planet population, social status, politics, and ethnicity)

    Synthetic reproduction- this is the process of using a synthetic womb to grow a baby to term with out possibly being held in the body.
    Nurses then can monitor the development of the fetus for terminal illness and or can motivate various forms of customized characteristics such as gender, hair color, skin color, eye color and sexuality. This option most likely will be very expensive due to the resources used. Russia is said to be working on this project ( I'm not surprised). This option is painless, as the pregnancy is carried outside the body thus eliminating gender and sex barriers. Pregnancy will be a preference between partners not something only trans, cis or intersexed women will be stuck with. The methods of of starting pregnancy were not mentioned so I going to guess a tissue, blood or DNA sample.

    So I wont respond to anymore because one reason I dont find beating up on those more ignorant of me appealing. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    So enjoy your life and learn more lol.