Okay I don’t know the entire spoilers but for the next chapter she basically shuts him up by bringing up Penelops’ hardship. About how her mothers’ death, her drinking rain water near her mothers corpse, and having a strange man tell her that she’s they’re daughter. She says she wished for the other girl to fro dead so that she doesn’t have to go that to that hard life again. He’s just shocked and speechless and says that he didn’t know she had such a hard time. She leaves while he’s telling her to wait but she continues to walk away. Ask if you want to know more ^^

Okay I don’t know the entire spoilers but for the next chapter she basically shuts him up by bringing up Penelope’s hardshipS. About seeing her mothers die, her drinking rain water near her mothers corpse, and having a strange man tell her that she’s they’re daughter. Bringing that he has never gone through that himself and that he’s kinda blessed. She explains she wished for the other girl to drop dead was so that she doesn’t have to go that to that hard life again if the girl was to show up again. Derrick is just shocked and speechless and says that he didn’t know she had such a hard time. She leaves while he’s telling her to wait but she continues to walk away from the attic. Ask if you want to know more ^^

Okay so from what I know. I’m sorry if my spoilers are all over the place :(
she ends up with the prince at the end of the story btw and I’ll explain what happens at the hunting scene where he starts to fall in love with her.
After she tells the prince that she likes him, he starts to become more interested in her. They meet again at the hunting contest where she tells him that she doesn’t want to give up on him and that she doesn’t hope for anything more from him since her is y’know the prince and all. This is obviously a lie to get him off her back. I’m not sure how but she enters the hunting contest and does a bunch of tasks like defeating a bear, stealing a magical pendent, and fighting monsters with her crossbow (she got the crossbow as a reward for the interaction with Derrick in the attic, I forgot to mentions that she got it after the fireworks ignited). After her almost dying by trying to attack a bear the prince saves her and defeats the bear for her and tell her to keep the head and say that she killed the bear. But right after that they get attacked by assassin and have to flee on horses and hide in a cave with the prince being wounded by a poison arrow when he tried to save her. They get to know each other better and then they find a magical map that can teleport them out of the cave. By now the poison has started to take effect on the prince and she starts crying to tell him not to die. Knights suddenly come to find her and the wounded prince and then they go to arrest her.

Yvonne, the actual daughter is part of a cult that worships an evil goddess that wants to bring the evil goddess into their world which will kill a lot of people. Penelope Is apparently a great mage and tries to warn the king and the capture targets but due to the evil goddess power, the capture targets are brainwashed and can’t hear her warning until it was too late and she and everyone else dies.
Vinter was in love wit Yvonne but got out of his brainwashed stated and found out who she truly wants and was ashamed in helping her. Vinter used a difficult magic spell to turn back time to where Penelope was alive (and not dead) and try to salvage her soul. Her soul was in modern day Korea and had a curse in where her stepbrothers and family hated her and now became wary of her.

Vinter is sadly not the male lead but as I mentioned before, he was brainwashed in loving Yvonne and that’s they he helped her and brought her back on Penelopes birthday. The reason why he was so worried on her finding out about the mage children was because nobles were actually looking for mage children to use and didn’t want that to happen to them. He didn’t want to erase her memory was because she would faint and she wouldn’t have a way home. Idk much about him yet but I’ll update when I know more

Eclipse has quite the tragedy. In the end he dies because instead of him falling in love with her, he ends up having a MAJOR obsession with Penelope. He starts thinking about why she isn’t love with him and etc. But since Penelope isn’t in love with him and is more into the prince.
In one instance, he tried to repay Penelope for all the gifts she’s given him but since he’s a slave he couldn’t really get much but decided to gift with flowers. But he notices her smiling with the prince because the prince gave her a magical map that she can teleport with. This upsets Eclipse and he runs away to a house and stays there for 3 days with the flowers he was going to give her being scattered everywhere. Penelope finds him and he asks why she didn’t look for him earlier but she told him that she was sick and wasn’t able to find him and that she has no feelings for the prince.
But sadly in the end, he betrays Penelope because of love and actually saves her in the end I believe? But it also said that he survived but just ran away. Idk.
Added note :
People has said that his death is actually salvation for Eclipse because he doesn’t have to see Penelope be with anyone else. That’s a nice way to put it ig.

They arrest Penelope because they think she tries to kill the prince and they go on trial. She is almost winning the trial but the prince wakes up from a coma and the prince thanks her and asks her what he can do to make it up to her. She asks for him not to kill her no matter what he does or says. This surprises the prince and he tells her that she doesn’t have to worry about that. She brings up their first encounter where he tried to kill her and he accepts her wish. She also wishes for the prince to tell the judge at the trial that they were ex lovers and that’s they were were alone together to win the trial. He doesn’t agree to this but just finds it amusing.

Derrick isn’t that bad of a person, he’s just a really big tsundere. After Penelope gets accused of trying to murder the prince, him and the rest of the family stand by her side and say that she couldn’t have done it. He starts to check up on her a little bit more because he feels really bad for treating her badly and after knowing her past in the attic, but the growth doesn’t show all too much.

Omg this is a lot of typing.
For Reynald he slowly changes with Penelope because he doesn’t fully trust her. He doesn’t believe that she can suddenly change and not be the way she was before. Even when she was accused of trying to murder the prince. He doesn’t fully believe her and even when she’s sitting in jail he visits her and doesn’t even hear her side of the story. He only asks if she actually did it. Penelope notices that he kinda actually doesn’t believe she tried to murder the prince and just tells him to believe what he wants to believe and for her to rot in jail. After it is shown that she is innocent in the trial, he goes to apologize but to also understand him because she does really crazy things. Penelope doesn’t give him a chance and doesn’t accept his apology. She actually wanted to be closer to Reynold but felt that their little connection had broken. Later on Reynold realizes what he did was wrong and goes to apologize again. She forgives him but doesn’t fully trust him as well.
Reynold slowly starts to like her but he’s just very wary of her and doesn’t trust her.

Her and the prince are HELLA cute and the prince is really romantic and sweet. He only attacked her when they first met was because he was paranoid that she was an assassin sent from his family. Her and the prince understand each other and he’s one of the only characters who she felt genuine love from. They really suit each other.

And if your wondering what’s happening to her in the real world where she is in Korea. In a magical mirror she see a reflection of herself in a hospital bed fight with stomach cancer. She sees her brothers there and found out that her father flew all the way from America to see her. It turns out that her father and brothers actually loved and cared for her. She has a choice to either stay in the game or go back to the real world. She chooses to stay in the game because she wants to continue being with the prince. She stays for him because the prince is one of the only people who has made her feel loved and felt genuine happiness being with.
can anyone give me spoilers please?