THANK YOU THIS REALLY HELPED but i still have some questions maybe someone could answer: what’s the deal with the two people inside ryan’s body? is the bad one the spirit of the old ryan that was an obsessive lover before he was reincarnated? and would that make the other good ryan the reincarnated ryan that met aoao when they were younger during this lifetime? and also, in this current lifetime, did they fall in love officially or was it just like they were really good friends and they both liked each other?

so far we've only seen one scene where Big Bro was holding the baby AoAo and asking someone to alter his little bro's "thread of fated relationships" or something (probably so that AoAo wouldn't end up getting entangled in the same relationship mess as in his past life), and that the person who was asked said that doing that would make it harder for AoAo to ever fall inlove, or something... to which Older Bro said that this was still a lot better than the alternative (or something). But other than that, no, it hasn't been shown yet. Other readers told me all that gets revealed later on and we still have to wait for it.
The plot:
A blue haired guy in high school turns out to be a weakling, deficient dragon that secretly ran away from home in the dragon world, coming down to earth and passing for a human teenager in order to search for a powerful long-lost magical pearl, that he believes can help him become like all the other "normal" dragons, by giving him the powers he lacks. The pearl belonged to an ancient, long-dead evil dragon, and the reason this blue deficient dragon wants the pearl is because he needs the pearl's power to be able to survive his oncoming "magical trial", a test that all magic users go through, which is sent by Heaven to gauge the "worthiness" of all magic users, including of all dragons and all the other beings (nonhuman and human) who cultivate qi (the "magical" energy of nature) in order to become stronger. (In this kind of world, all beings with supernatural abilities, aka "magic", are cultivators of qi, by default).
The thing is, the disguised blue dragon who's posing as a high school student ends up bumping into someone who claims to know him from before: a black western dragon who's ALSO posing as a human and pretending to be another "ordinary" high school student. Though the blue dragon can't remember it, he and the western dragon met once back when both were kids, at that time when the little blue dragon first tried to run away from home in order to search for the pearl (it turns out this is actually the second time, even if he himself isn't aware because someone erased his memories of the first time he ran away, altogether).
To further complicate matters, neither the blue dragon nor the western dragon are aware of the fact that they are *ALSO* a pair of reincarnated "lovers" who met each other in a previous lifetime, in a previous incarnation when both were different people with different names and of a different species: the blue dragon was an Eastern black dragon whose power came from a pearl (the same one he's unwittingly looking for in his present lifetime as the blue dragon), and the western dragon was back then an evil guy who became obsessively inlove with the Eastern black dragon and thus imprisoned and stole his pearl in order to keep him to himself, even against the Eastern black dragon's will. This provoked the fury of one of the Eastern black dragon's friends, a White dragon that was older than the Eastern black dragon and who loved the Eastern Black dragon like a little brother. This brotherly-like White dragon and the evil guy who wanted to keep the Eastern black dragon for himself, thus, ended up fighting over the Eastern Black dragon, with the fight somehow ending in both the evil guy and the Eastern Black dragon dying and being reincarnated... The White dragon then was reunited with his friend's, the Eastern black dragon's reincarnation, a deficient little blue dragon who is now his little brother... and that's how our story began.