I know you all are saying she will get better and to read on, but I've read more than enou...

Aria4dawin October 25, 2020 3:42 pm

I know you all are saying she will get better and to read on, but I've read more than enough to know that no. She is not getting better. Atleast for me. And I have read Akatsuki no Yona. Like Yona grew and from what I've read Yuri.....
I dont understand why most of you like this and compare this to Basara which was amazing and this is.... well not something I would tag as strong female lead.

    ...noname November 12, 2020 11:14 pm

    Same thought. She's irritating. I finished it for the sake of finishing it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Audrey November 19, 2020 12:10 pm

    Seriously I can't finish this shit

    gsk January 4, 2021 9:35 am

    This is one of my fave historical manga along side Akatsuki no Yona. I've already read this many times and it was worth it. At first, I dropped the manga because of the art style but after a few months I tried it again and got hooked big time. Perhaps the story is not your cup of tea but this manga is absolutely one of the best historical plot out there.

    Roxannabell March 10, 2021 9:26 pm
    This is one of my fave historical manga along side Akatsuki no Yona. I've already read this many times and it was worth it. At first, I dropped the manga because of the art style but after a few months I tried ... gsk

    if you dropped the manga because of the art style then what kind of young ass kid are you? For it's time the art is really not bad! Clean lines, good faction design while staying historically accurate, characters are distinguishable between each other. Yup, for it's time great art work.

    gsk March 11, 2021 4:07 am

    Lol I said I dropped it at first but read it again since I'm quite picky with art styles. But I got used to it and eventually loved it. Lol are you picking a fight or what?!

    Roxannabell March 11, 2021 7:24 am
    Lol I said I dropped it at first but read it again since I'm quite picky with art styles. But I got used to it and eventually loved it. Lol are you picking a fight or what?! gsk

    Not meaning to pick a fight. Just a bit overly defnesive. Nowadays if the art isn't already perfect most people won't eve look at it. If we all did that in the early 90s then many beloved animes wouldn't even exist. The first volume of Rave Master was NOT good. But we loved the story anyways and became fans. Now we have Fairy Tail. It was so cool watching the author style grow and improve.

    ...noname March 12, 2021 9:34 am
    if you dropped the manga because of the art style then what kind of young ass kid are you? For it's time the art is really not bad! Clean lines, good faction design while staying historically accurate, characte... Roxannabell

    it's not because of the art. I finished reading it but I still didn't like it. We just have different perspective in in manga and stories. Using inappropriate words just to justify what you like is a no-no.

    Roxannabell March 12, 2021 11:00 am
    it's not because of the art. I finished reading it but I still didn't like it. We just have different perspective in in manga and stories. Using inappropriate words just to justify what you like is a no-no. ...noname

    If you don't like the story that is fine. I was addressing someone who had dropped it due to art. And you are on a sight where there is gay anime porn EVERYWHERE, commenting on a manga with, be it mild, see scenes and dealing with sensitive matters like rape. Excuse me if I don't really consider using the word ass as inappropriate in this particular setting.

    arebg452 April 7, 2021 12:03 am

    Yuri and Yona are 2 completely different people though. Yona lost everything, she had nowhere to go but up, and even though Hak remained by her side, she got a heavy dose of reality that made her grow up suddenly and let go of any naivety and illusions she had left. She had nowhere to go back. Yuri always kept the perspective of returning to her family, and had the knowledge that it was possible. That's why she always refused to adapt to Hittite society from the very beginning. Even though on a surface level it looks like she's taking steps to adapt, subconsciously, she doesn't want to, she sabotages herself in order to always remind herself that she's acting on borrowed time. That this is not the place where she belongs. It's not until she finally decides to stay with Kail for good during volume 12 that she accepts her own growth as a character and let's go of her stubborness to cling to her childish and naive modern girl ways. If you don't reach that part you'll never see it. Honestly I love Yona to death, but I know that if someone were to take me now from my loving family and safe home and drop me into a world of violence and murder of which I don't know anything and in which there is always someone trying to kill me, I would react the exact same way as Yuri does, and I'm 27. I can't imagine how it would be for a teenager.

    Purupuru May 22, 2021 4:26 pm
