Technically this would have been her original skin tone, given that her parents are that skin tone, but she was made black at birth because of the spirit king of darkness. So it kind of makes sense that her skin tone would change , I just think it would have been better it if we're a mix between the two skin tones
Mhmm. We know that "black = bad" "white = good" is used a lot for implying and foreshadowing etc etc but I think if this is the path they were going to take, they could have definitely cut out the dark skin > white skin all together.
What I mean is, there are quite a few blonde characters with light eyes. If she were to have black eyes and black hair to differentiate herself, that would have had the same effect. And, then during the blessing, instead of changing her skin they could have just simply changed her eye colour.
Of course it would be a huge loss on our part (since there are so little tan female mcs) but its better than "woohoo lets turn the tan girl white for plot!!"
Again technically not their idea. The tanned skin and black hair are hated because the former ruler of the darkness spirit destroyed the kingdom, with good reason ofc but you get my point. It is not her physical traits they hate but the extreme power. But doesn't stop them from being idiots hahahahah
i had to reread that whole 'light blessing' shizz because sis really turned her white??? i mean why did the author think that was a good decision to make? it's not adding up, I know they redid the chapter so she'll be dark-skinned again but still, now it's just going to leave a bad taste in my mouth from now on because they really said 'let's make her white for the blessing'