what time do we get notified our manga updates?

emonline October 25, 2020 9:57 am

(au time) i used to get it at 7:30pm then a couple weeks ago i started getting them at 8:30pm but now it’s nearly 9 and i haven’t gotten an update? i also do have mangas/webtoons that have a new chapter uploaded today btwwwww

    Booo October 25, 2020 10:51 am

    Ye same i used to get them at 7:30 pm but now i just check at 9:00pm because i know the chapters will be there

    emonline October 25, 2020 11:05 am
    Ye same i used to get them at 7:30 pm but now i just check at 9:00pm because i know the chapters will be there Booo

    yeah i usually don’t start reading until about 10 or 11 but some days i have free time at update time so i check then. it’s not too much of a problem but i wish it were just a little more consistent