Mameiha May 11, 2015 3:35 pm

The b*tch Tae with Akio and Ryou is a perfect example of why I HATE chicks in yaoi. They always tend to be psycho / schitzo freak-show material that make me ashamed of my vagina ownership!! YAOI= DICKS NOT CHICKS -- BISHIES NOT BITCHES!!! (≧∀≦)

    @MyiPodisCute July 7, 2015 6:51 am

    Best comment ever XD Though I count the side bitches too, male or female just generally the worst characters in the story, especially when they act like Tae

    dontbelonghere July 9, 2015 4:22 pm

    That is the Idea... To portrait women as psycho bitches so you end up saying that kind of thing. At the end, most of the readers forgive the seme for being abusive, but hate "the bitch" in the story, who actually didn't do too much.

    Mameiha July 9, 2015 5:36 pm
    That is the Idea... To portrait women as psycho bitches so you end up saying that kind of thing. At the end, most of the readers forgive the seme for being abusive, but hate "the bitch" in the story, who ... dontbelonghere

    I agree on one point and disagree on another. You said, "The bitch... didn't do too much"? Did we read the same manga? She was controlling and manipulative of Ryou and heartless and cruel to Akio. Had she not selfishly manipulated a dimwit with a pretty face like Ryou, for her own ends, Akio would not have suffered through the initial break up and Ryou might have held on to his sanity. I'm not saying Ryou wasn't to blame for his actions, but Tae was the catalyst behind every moment of hell Akio faced. She was even the impetus behind Ryou's deluded attack. She said, "I don't want to lose you. So, if you love me just kill me." Ryou, in his delusion, then takes her words and applies them to the one he truly loves, Akio. When faced with her misdeeds, she runs like a scalded dog, at least Ryou attempted redemption. So, IMO, she did quite a lot.
    Unless you were referring to other bitches in other yaoi who did far less than Tae, in which case, please forgive my rant.

    As for the portrayal of women in yaoi, you are correct. They are convenient plot devices to create conflict and tension for the protagonists. I would just prefer they be portrayed as a bit more sane, tolerant or understanding. Not all three, just one would do. I've read manga where a female rival was all of those things and still managed to create conflict and tension. So, I know it can be done. It's the extremes that I find offensive. I could go on for pages, but I will end with: I completely agree with your assessment of this part of the topic. Your assessment was right on the money and well written.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion and allowing me the opportunity to voice mine.