I gotta stop myself from laughing. Honesty to I thought you all would get the joke but it seems no one did hehe. I know he is naturally pasty it’s just that one scene that made me laugh so much which you all should have Been able to get the joke but it’s okay, and the last person that replied...I fucking know it’s the art style I’m that stupid. Lmao and yes If he was sick we’d be worried. Honestly..kinda sad that no one got the joke.
HAS ANYONE NOTICE HOW TOTALLY DIFFEENT THEIR SKIN COLOR IS? don’t be retarded I know they have different skin colors. WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT DOC. LIKE HE LOOKS LIKE PASTEL CHALK. I’m sorry but that dude..HE NEEDS TO SEE A DOCTOR OR SOMETHING BECAUSE BEING THAT PALE AND WHITE CANT BE HEALTHY. Fr he looked like Patel’s chalk when he was giving the uke the ***** and I just couldn’t stop staring at how complexion. HE NEEDS SOME SORT OF COLOR IN THERE BECAUSE THAT MAN IS PASTEL HE BE LOOKING LIKE A CHALK