Is it just me or is Yuka actually a biiiig pervert? Wah i love characters like that

Angharrad May 11, 2015 8:46 am

Is it just me or is Yuka actually a biiiig pervert? Wah i love characters like that

    YaoiLover August 3, 2015 10:42 pm

    no he is just a realy big 'M' ^^ but i really like characters like that too ^^

    Shinigami_Gurl August 30, 2015 6:18 pm

    Pervert?? No way- if you've ever known ANY 15 year old boy then you'll know that they all think about sex. It's puberty...nothing abnormal. The teacher on the other hand would be considered 'abnormal' first for his free love policy and then falling for a kid.