My New Comic…and it's free to download/read online! Hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you have any recommendations for other forums and online platforms that would be good for sharing this. I've been working on this since 2013 so all the support and advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Wow I'm in love to your site . I recommend that your comics should be put on tumblr. Bcoz there's a lot of comic artist and readers that would like see your stories.
Wow I'm in love to your site . I recommend that your comics should be put on tumblr. Bcoz there's a lot of comic artist and readers that would like see your stories. BlazingShana21
Thanks so much! I shall definitely take your recommendation on board! Thanks! :D
My New Comic…and it's free to download/read online! Hope you enjoy!
Please let me know if you have any recommendations for other forums and online platforms that would be good for sharing this. I've been working on this since 2013 so all the support and advice is greatly appreciated!