I really don't understand why ppl would like yona in the throne, I mean, they already had his dad in that position and what did he do? He almost state to death all his citizens to say the least, and just like the saying goes: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, why would kokuka citizen would want the daugther of of the tyran to rule ? When they have an amazing king who's doing a magnificent job?. You are a viewer, thus you can understand yonas character but from the citizens point of view yona shouldnt be consider an option bc her fathers actions are going to negative impact the public point of view, unless they are ignorant people or blind by religion.... Which they are.... Who knows...

Yeah, I get where you're coming from. But if you read everything up until here, it means you saw Yona's growth as a person and as a leader, and to say the least, she's still growing. She already saw the negative impact of her father's rule and she also accepted the fact that king Il was not a good ruler, for Kouka's citizens, although he was a good person. I admit, and Yona also admitted, that Soowon definitely rebuilt the trashed kingdom and seems to be a good ruler, but as the story suggests, there's a possibility that he might die. So of course, there's no other royalty worthy of the throne other than Yona, tell me otherwise. If Soowon does not die though, then that's another story.
The pacing and storytelling, as well as the character introduction and developments in this manga is simply superb! I just really hope they won't keep Soowon alive because I believe he already served his purpose. He betrayed Yona which made her strong and him being alive will just bring unnecessary pain and struggle for everyone, including Hak. I don't hate him but I don't particularly like him too so Idc if he dies of illness or he gets banished to faraway lands if he lives, just, get him away from Yona. If he really wants to help, he can do so from a distance.