No. Jihwa kept the relationship physical because of what SH went through when his father moved him and forced him to stay in his current home. Jihwa talks about and basically says that. Jihwa was being delicate with SH cause Jihwa knew all the shit SH went though and he assumed their relationship would evolve into mutual love because he had been there for him for so long.

I just thought it was SH keeping it physical and Jihwa being content with it because he felt he had a connection with him that others did not.
Especially since after NK arrives he is taunted by Min(?) about how NK is going to be SH mistress, making fun of that fact that a low born was getting what was clear Jihwa wanted.
Actually I think SH just wants to be loved. Everything he has been doing regarding his sexuality has been just physically being with men.
Then he meet NK who he saw in love with Inhun. He saw how NK did not wish for anything in return (physical/money) but for Inhun to just be successful.
Which makes me kind of think if Jihwa had shared his genuine feelings from the start, SH might’ve returned them. But they solely kept their relationship physical, most likely to Jihwa thinking SH was not interested and being content with just feeling he knew SH better than others and being in a physical relationship.
Which is why it hurts so much that SH has shown that interest and exclusiveness with NK.