Okay, so everyone agrees in this but I'll just say it. Yulan and Violette are like the fl ...

Bell October 24, 2020 7:04 am

Okay, so everyone agrees in this but I'll just say it. Yulan and Violette are like the fl and ml in this story. I don't care whatever happens to the crown prince, he just started to love her when she doesn't like him anymore. Might as well put them in a wedding and have kids hehe(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Gigi October 30, 2020 1:00 am

    While I agree with you about caring more for Yulan than the prince, keep in mind that he didn't start to like her because she didn't like him anymore.

    The writer meant for it to be much more revealing than that. As you can see by some of the scenes in certain chapters.

    He didn't like her because she was obsessed with him, but not because she truly loved him but because she loved the idea of being loved by him. She wasn't her own person, she tailored herself to fit the princes tastes exactly and to match what he liked. Of course somebody wouldn't want to fall in love or even learn much about a person like that.

    But once she stopped trying to please him and instead just do things as herself, he started to see a different side to her. Not somebody who was "The Best Candidate For The Prince" but as Vio, somebody with talent, and caring, and kindness. And I think this is an important distinction in the storyline because it shows that she is changing as a person too. not just trying to survive till the end, but really trying to be happy in her own way without the need to rely on others for that happiness.

    Again, I am all for Yulan and I can guarantee that Yulan is gonna end up being the guy, but the Prince isn't as shallow as we might think he is at first glance.

    Bell October 30, 2020 1:37 am
    While I agree with you about caring more for Yulan than the prince, keep in mind that he didn't start to like her because she didn't like him anymore.The writer meant for it to be much more revealing than that.... Gigi

    Ohh, wow. You have a point there. I was probably just reading the story while not understanding the plott. Thank you for correcting me hehe( ̄∇ ̄")

    Gigi October 31, 2020 2:44 am
    Ohh, wow. You have a point there. I was probably just reading the story while not understanding the plott. Thank you for correcting me hehe( ̄∇ ̄") Bell

    I don’t think it’s a correction so much as just a different view of things. Of course, the point of any story is for the interpretations you can have of it. And this was just my way of seeing it. That doesn’t mean your way is wrong, it’s just different.

    Shiyai November 1, 2020 7:15 pm
    While I agree with you about caring more for Yulan than the prince, keep in mind that he didn't start to like her because she didn't like him anymore.The writer meant for it to be much more revealing than that.... Gigi

    Yeah...I get you. For me, the best part is, Vio didn't even love the prince in the first place. Haha
    But still I'm on Yulan team
    The prince can fall in love with someone else for all I care.

    Gigi November 1, 2020 8:46 pm
    Yeah...I get you. For me, the best part is, Vio didn't even love the prince in the first place. HahaBut still I'm on Yulan teamThe prince can fall in love with someone else for all I care. Shiyai

    Oh absolutely. Yulan all the way!