
Raeji October 23, 2020 5:38 pm

Not to offend anyone but.. people here need to speak in English so others can understand what y'all taking about... This is an international website after all..

    aloha October 24, 2020 5:03 pm

    are you serious? facebook twitter and instagram are all international websites, you go dictate everyone there to speak only English? See how this is fucking inappropriate?

    Raeji October 24, 2020 5:33 pm
    are you serious? facebook twitter and instagram are all international websites, you go dictate everyone there to speak only English? See how this is fucking inappropriate? aloha

    There is a thing called "server. " That is why facebook and such social medias ask you what country you are in so that they can adjust your feeds to what you can relate to. Sure, they do show you the foreign community but communication is all about understanding one another. If you find this reminder "inappropriate", then what do you call to making others feel left out just because they can't understand the language used? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying thay it is bad to speak your first language here rather overpowering the topic section with unfamiliar language is not nice for others who just wish to read the comments and engage a conversation with them.

    aloha October 26, 2020 1:12 am

    twitter for example doesnt work this way.

    Raeji October 26, 2020 8:11 am
    twitter for example doesnt work this way. aloha

    Twitter and this site are different. you are comparing a large community application to a medium community site which its main focus is reading platforms. I get your point though, in worldwide, we can speak different languages because it's international but my point is if you want to be understood, use the international language which is English. The thing here is this site translate English reading platforms so it is expected (for me) to use this international language to give feedbacks.

    If you have noticed majority of people here use english to express their reactions (It's an english translation site after all). I would understand it if people can't express their insights in English because they are having a hard time speaking rather than reading and also if this site uses a multiple language translation like mangad3x.

    But if the readers are capable of speaking in English, they could at least use it here. I'm not forcing anyone to do as I say but it would be appreciated if someone get reminded of this remark.

    I, myself, suck in English but I'm trying, so people could understand me.