
Muy October 22, 2020 9:34 am

As an archer I just had to stop by and point out the inaccuracy. You never ever aim with one eye closed!! Anyway, that bothered me so I just had to point it out haha

    sugsgloss October 22, 2020 9:56 am

    are you sure? cause i did archery for like a year, and i'm pretty sure i closed one of my eyes, i could be wrong

    Muy October 22, 2020 10:02 am
    are you sure? cause i did archery for like a year, and i'm pretty sure i closed one of my eyes, i could be wrong sugsgloss

    Yeah, normally if you aren't a "serious" archer meaning if you're not planning on hunting then it's okay to close one eye. However, by doing that you narrow your field so when you're out there like the MC hunting and shooting arrows in a battlefield then you never close one eye because you can miss the changes in the situation or your surroundings which is fatal. One mistake and your dead or you lose your prey.

    hey Hey HEEYYYY October 22, 2020 10:03 am

    I had to do that because I had a lazy eye. Every time I focus with one eye, the other eye would stray away and it would affect my aim so....

    sugsgloss October 22, 2020 10:10 am
    Yeah, normally if you aren't a "serious" archer meaning if you're not planning on hunting then it's okay to close one eye. However, by doing that you narrow your field so when you're out there like the MC hunti... Muy

    okay thank you. we learn new things everyday

    LeenAnanz October 22, 2020 10:24 am

    Weeew that's pretty awesome lol

    hina izumari October 22, 2020 10:34 am

    Well it is a manhua logic ( ̄∇ ̄")