I've sort of figured out the timeline guys so here it is if you're confused! Mine=dark hai...

anon May 4, 2015 11:16 pm

I've sort of figured out the timeline guys so here it is if you're confused! Mine=dark hair, Anjou=light hair. Sorry if this is wordy or confusing!

- Late October 2011-the first meeting of the main guys in a bar I think.

- Early November 2011- Mine gets told he's acting differently by his coworker, he claims he's met an interesting person recently. Coworker gives him a pretty envelope. Around the same time, Anjou talks about Mine with his girlfriend? She calls Mine strange and overly polite but comments that the nape of his neck is cute.

- Later in November, 2011- the two main guys meet up with a sensei of Mine's (I thiiiink) Anjou remembers his girlfriend's words and seems a little more conscious of Mine.

- December 2011- Cafe scene, there's not much plot to note here except for some flirty close behaviour.

-January 2012-Anjou sends a text to mine that was intended for his girlfriend and apologises for it. Mine seems jealous and fixates on it for a while.

- February 2012- A little confusing since we don't get the whole picture at once here, but rather in two halves. Firstly Mine's coworker finds a piece of paper where he;s written the word 'consomme'-mentioned in the accidental text anjou sent him, and asks him what it means. He's embarrassed as its evidence that he's been obsessing about the one thing for a while. A couple days later, they both come back to Anjou's place drunk one evening. Mine insists on sharing Anjou's bed, but Anjou leaves rather mysteriously in the middle of the night and comes back. Half asleep, Mine notes how weirdly intimate and childlike their relationship is. As the clock turns midnight, Anjou looks troubled and reaches out to touch Mine's hair while he sleeps.

- Late March 2012-main guys are hanging out at Mine's house, Anjou asks about the pretty envelope. He reveals he broke up with his girlfriend, there's an implication that he asks Mine out but we don't see it happen.

- May 2012-Mine comes across Anjou working his day job as a bus driver, Anjou seems a little bashful about it. That night they discuss it, Mine wanting to take the bus again and calling him cool and Anjou being against it saying it was embarrassing. At this point they are in a relationship, and are physically intimate with each other.

- Late June 2012-the guys are dating, Mine is uneasy about their relationship

    tiggipi May 5, 2015 2:41 pm

    Thank you very much for the clarification. I was so confused reading the manga D:

    kyaaaa May 5, 2015 10:18 pm

    thank you i was lost (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Barbie May 14, 2018 7:45 am

    yeah... cause I was confused as hell