
I know views matter the most. But how to measure that across countries and should adaptions be included. Not to metion if theres a offical site or not.
Thats why i had the last one for the example. Its got offical novel translations that are on the populor list, like ridibooks. Its also got fan translation of multiole languages but idk hw to accurately measure those. Are people going to individual links or from a site.
That why i said if went around asking what would have more.
K secret got about 160 milli views here and its published officially on other sites. But fandom as in fics, videos, art doesnt exist for it.
Meanwhile Painter of the Night got even more views and i have seen pics of it on weibo, Instagram, Cosplays on Douyin and scan pages. So clearly its got a fandom.
Finally we got Mo Dao Zhu Shi, the manuha adaption doesnt have many views but the fandom(fics art videos) exits for it. The adaption like the live action and anime were populor. The novel on jjwxc got billions of hits. But the english trans on novelupdate only got like 10k hits. But its koeran trans on ridibooks has been on the popikor list for a while
So which has been read and seen more in and outside country of origin and how to tell. Specifically if I was to go around asking which people had read the actual story for which would be higher.