Rape in Yaoi

AML October 21, 2020 3:20 am

I've read a ton of different stories all the time be it literature or just Yaoi. And i think what still confuses me is when i see comments of people bashing others or trying to talk someone out of a story because it portrays rape etc.

Now hear me out. Rape, in noway shape or form is it okay, i think it takes no brainer to know that. Fetishising Rape is weird for me, i'd personally never want it done to me even as a roleplay.

Now what i think is not okay, the fact that people feel obligated to restrict an Author's plot based on their standards of right and wrong. Story telling was never a form of only showing goods and happy endings, it was all about many different things and majority of it what you cannot do in real life/let your mind run free. If an author ends up writing smth extremly offensive and traumatizing, in noway does that mean the author is trying to normalise the issue, but rather its their approach of portraying the issue, reflect it or even wanting the readers to feel some certain way. They're free to be as creative as they want without boundaries, its fiction for a reason.

Now if you, on the other hand as a reader hop in thinking you can handle it and you cant, you should know better what caters to you, what your limits are and what feelings you're expecting out of such stories. the overall if you manage to read all if you liked the story as a whole or not [not as the heinous acts involved] no one is saying its okay to do it in real life. Heck it you're on Mangago, to begin with you have to be somewhat mature/grown up so you'll know that none of this is okay, so if you feel uncomfortable, simply stop and move on to something within your comfort zone. Stop dragging the authors and putting them under the microscope of whats right and wrong. Imagine reading morally right stories that are so damn scripted and dictated with only the comfort of the reader instead of the author's creativity and what they want to portray. Idk about you guys but i'd like the extraordinary every now and then.

It is okay to conclude you hate a story because the main wronged/attcked the one he supposedly love. It is okay to have your own ideals when judging a story you're reading, that is expected. For you to make your decisions and thought process about what you felt reading a story.

It is NOT okay hating an author for it, telling the author they cant portray that or that the people who read such thing must be okay with rape. That is just dumb.

Fiction is fiction, dont twist that.
Rant is over.
