For Miyanoai / J Unleashed / Tokidoki

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 11:27 pm
    Ignore the the rude comment. It's not spam since it is related to the series, and I think the majority who see them are amused. People are cranky and awaiting the new chapter, at least your boredom is going int... Miyanoai

    Haha i used to it with rude comments
    Since this is not the first time i got commented once im in mood to make some edit pic i ended up spamming.

    Im using glasses too they. Expensive but actually is good to wear them,
    Well im fine now ,

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 11:31 pm
    Well guys, I don't want to exaggerate but there is something I wanted to point to since yesterday. Though I don't make too much comments here or elsewhere but I read the main board's messages. There is somethin... ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀

    I agree with you , that happen around 8-9 months back than mostly while waiting half year for one chap . So many people starting a war comments.

    J Unleashed May 3, 2015 11:40 pm

    I hate hospitals. I hope they are feeding you something that could be considered real food. I hope you get out of there soon. I hope you...

    *squeals* Asami said my name!!!!!1!1!!!

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 11:50 pm
    I hate hospitals. I hope they are feeding you something that could be considered real food. I hope you get out of there soon. I hope you...*squeals* Asami said my name!!!!!1!1!!! J Unleashed

    I hope so too internet is suck here ;-; without wifi lol . I just use mobile internet and connected to my iPad to playing around


    J Unleashed May 3, 2015 11:53 pm
    Ignore the the rude comment. It's not spam since it is related to the series, and I think the majority who see them are amused. People are cranky and awaiting the new chapter, at least your boredom is going int... Miyanoai

    @Miyanoai "(For the record, it's "Miya-no-ai (I)" in case anyone was wondering, based off a character from Detective Conan).'

    And to think all this time I've been pronouncing it "meow no way" :p

    ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀ May 4, 2015 12:13 am
    I agree with you , that happen around 8-9 months back than mostly while waiting half year for one chap . So many people starting a war comments. Ryuakilover

    Ah ok, I know ... I was here last summer too but I wasn't using my account. I didn't want to bother you with the huge block of text but reading from the main board I thought that the troll was going to fan a new flame war when he signaled the false "spamming" alert. Anyways, you seem really nice so I hope you'll never be trolled, you or anyone else. Peace (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Lightasus May 4, 2015 12:19 am
    @Miyanoai "(For the record, it's "Miya-no-ai (I)" in case anyone was wondering, based off a character from Detective Conan).'And to think all this time I've been pronouncing it "meow no way" :p J Unleashed

    I find it rather comical how English speakers try to pronounce Japanese words. Never thought it would be that intense. Though every single of the Japanese sounds are also in the French language, so I guess that helps more than enough.

    It's like yaoi. It's like nobody is getting it right here lol. It's pronounced yah-o-eee. Not yahoy or yow-wee or yoww :V

    I don't know, what's with pronouncing "w"s for everything? I mean, "meow no way" :P

    J Unleashed May 4, 2015 12:50 am

    @Lightasus... I was just teasing Miyanoai about her name since it's been brought up before. I *was* going to write something lame like "meanie no bye" but after reading the cat conversation, I thought "meow" would be better.

    I have been involved in mad debate about the pronunciation of "yaoi" and it got quite heated. Hawaiian language also pronounces all vowels in a word (I lived there for short time), so I know the proper pronunciation of "yaoi" is "bee ell" :p

    tokidoki May 4, 2015 1:04 am
    @Lightasus... I was just teasing Miyanoai about her name since it's been brought up before. I *was* going to write something lame like "meanie no bye" but after reading the cat conversation, I thought "meow" wo... J Unleashed

    Hahaha - funny! My first language is like that - if you allow for all the gutturals and diphthongs and learn to speak a proper accent as though you have (in their own words) a potato in your mouth!
    I took Japanese for a while, but as I was taking another language at the same time it got too confusing and I had to drop out, but I did learn the proper way to say the words provided they were written in romaji *snicker* but the classes I did finish have been valuable for reading names and such in manga. (and for nicknames)

    Emma May 4, 2015 1:12 am
    I find it rather comical how English speakers try to pronounce Japanese words. Never thought it would be that intense. Though every single of the Japanese sounds are also in the French language, so I guess that... Lightasus

    Oh, I can add a little something on the matter that is quite entertaining. Have you ever googled audio samples of how to properly pronounce "Ryuichi"? It's hilarious. Here are some links (some are correct, but when they get it wrong... BOY, do they get it wrong! LOL!):

    These ones got it right:

    And some of these got it, well... ;)

    Miyanoai May 4, 2015 1:41 am
    @Miyanoai "(For the record, it's "Miya-no-ai (I)" in case anyone was wondering, based off a character from Detective Conan).'And to think all this time I've been pronouncing it "meow no way" :p J Unleashed

    Lol. I only added that part because I HAVE heard people try to pronounce my usernames in comical ways. One time someone even asked me "Do you love someone named Miya?" I guess because of the word ai, but that's not really how you would write that...
    On a slightly random note, I'm curious as to where your username came from (though I feel you may have answered that before already).

    Miyanoai May 4, 2015 1:45 am
    I find it rather comical how English speakers try to pronounce Japanese words. Never thought it would be that intense. Though every single of the Japanese sounds are also in the French language, so I guess that... Lightasus

    I try so hard not to let it get to me when people pronounce a word wrong. They have no way of knowing. Ten years of watching anime and memorizing Japanese songs and a year of actually learning it have helped me speak/recognize the language easily, yet I though I know the proper way to pronounce yaoi I think I still say yow-wee when speaking quickly, I guess it's cause our w's are so pronounced? lol

    Lightasus May 4, 2015 4:30 am
    Hahaha - funny! My first language is like that - if you allow for all the gutturals and diphthongs and learn to speak a proper accent as though you have (in their own words) a potato in your mouth! I took Japan... tokidoki

    Romajis? I learned hiraganas in one day, it's no biggie, you could try it when you have nothing to do lol. You just attach an image to it, no matter how far-fetched it is.

    ゆ looks like a fish, fishes are (yu)ck.
    む looks like a cow, moo! (mu)
    を looks like he's going to slip on ice, (wo)h!
    と looks like a splinter stuck on a (to)e
    し (shi) has nice hair

    I don't see why classes would teach stuff in romaji, seems like a waste, but oh well lol. I'll actually have to take some in the near future, I wonder if they're going to make me skip levels.

    Emma May 4, 2015 4:35 am
    I try so hard not to let it get to me when people pronounce a word wrong. They have no way of knowing. Ten years of watching anime and memorizing Japanese songs and a year of actually learning it have helped me... Miyanoai

    On the subject of learning Japanese, this is an absolute CLASSIC:

    Brilliantly funny!

    As a German, I find the Japanese pronunciation easy, by the way, because it's very similar to ours. It's in fact much easier for us, I think, than for someone who is an English native speaker. For example, the vowels are pronounced exactly the same as in German, whereas there is a stark difference to the English pronunciation. It's a bit of a blessing considering what else you have to learn when it comes to Japanese... ;)

    Lightasus May 4, 2015 4:46 am
    Oh, I can add a little something on the matter that is quite entertaining. Have you ever googled audio samples of how to properly pronounce "Ryuichi"? It's hilarious. Here are some links (some are correct, but ... @Emma

    Aha, basically everyone not from Japan :P

    I guess it is hard to English speakers especially. The spelling is just years apart. Took me long enough to get the English accent right, whereas Japanese basically has no accent to me, I just end up slightly pitching up my voice.

    My issue with English, as I finally got the hang of its pronounciation, is the word stressing. Just how am I supposed to guess which syllable it's supposed to be? Why is that a thing? xD
    I'm basically too lazy to give a care though aha.

    tokidoki May 4, 2015 4:46 am
    Romajis? I learned hiraganas in one day, it's no biggie, you could try it when you have nothing to do lol. You just attach an image to it, no matter how far-fetched it is.ゆ looks like a fish, fishes are (yu)c... Lightasus

    Oh, I learned the Hiragana/Katakana too, but our book started us off on Romaji and that is what I remember most. Your little list is cute though! The other language I was studying at the time was more important to my degree (Old English) and was such a shock to me (example: nu sculen herigan heofonriches weard - some people think Shakespeare was Old English so this is a small sample of what the language looks like - think 8th century) that I had to concentrate on that and thus let my Japanese slide. That was quite some time ago so now I rely on the Romaji for any little translation I happen to do ... I did not get very far into the course. Ha ha ha.

    J Unleashed May 4, 2015 5:34 am
    Aha, basically everyone not from Japan :PI guess it is hard to English speakers especially. The spelling is just years apart. Took me long enough to get the English accent right, whereas Japanese basically has ... Lightasus

    I've tutored middle school kids (11 to 14 years old) in English. They would be given advanced vocabulary lists and they also had trouble stressing the proper syllables for unfamiliar words at first. And these are native English speakers, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    Lightasus May 4, 2015 5:47 am
    Oh, I learned the Hiragana/Katakana too, but our book started us off on Romaji and that is what I remember most. Your little list is cute though! The other language I was studying at the time was more important... tokidoki

    Oh yeah, you were studying in history-something if I remember right? Well well, that looks intense to say the least aha. Never heard of about before Shakespear, and even that one I didn't get the hang of. Not that I tried too much honestly. In any case, good to know ehe.

    I never went to University (went to college, it overlaps the boundary between secondary and post-secondary studies here), but I still have that education savings program-thing that my parents financed and it also had 4 free classes in it. I should probably not let them go to waste aha.
    I'm far enough in the kanji learning and grammar, so if I can skip 2 classes I'll be able to complete the whole thing without spending a single cent fufufu... Well, books aside aha.

    tokidoki May 4, 2015 5:54 am
    Oh yeah, you were studying in history-something if I remember right? Well well, that looks intense to say the least aha. Never heard of about before Shakespear, and even that one I didn't get the hang of. Not t... Lightasus

    You remembered that? Wow! Yes, I studied Medieval History.
    I envy your Japanese skills, but I found that with Latin, my understanding of things like Spanish and French were facilitated - I am always surprised by that! I can muddle my way through most Spanish and French texts even if I can't really write or speak them. Hahaha.
    You are lucky your parents could help with school, I had to go the student loan route and was living on my own at the time. (had a part time job to help with extra expenses)

    Lightasus May 4, 2015 6:17 am
    I've tutored middle school kids (11 to 14 years old) in English. They would be given advanced vocabulary lists and they also had trouble stressing the proper syllables for unfamiliar words at first. And these a... J Unleashed

    I guess so aha, but actually I was never aware that it was a thing before my last class in advanced English in college. It's frustatingly bad in high school because the groups aren't separated by levels, so you just end up "learning" the same things for the whole 5 years because the people that are bad at it just keep being bad at it until the end. And there's also people on the "yes, no, toaster" level. I had friends in college legit relearning the alphabet in the level 0 class, that was just hilarious :')