For Miyanoai / J Unleashed / Tokidoki

    Stop May 3, 2015 10:06 am

    Just stop. It's not even funny. All you are doing is spamming.

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 10:08 am
    Just stop. It's not even funny. All you are doing is spamming. @Stop

    (=_=) I never ask you xD

    Mameiha May 3, 2015 10:54 am
    (=_=) I never ask you xD Ryuakilover

    Ignore ignorant comments like the one above. I read all your posts on here. They were cute and funny. I'm sure they took time and effort to make -- you did a great job. Thanks for the smiles.

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 10:59 am
    Ignore ignorant comments like the one above. I read all your posts on here. They were cute and funny. I'm sure they took time and effort to make -- you did a great job. Thanks for the smiles. Mameiha

    Thank you ^_^ well I just want to playing before the new chap update . lying in hospital with nothing to do is bored ;-; but when new chap out I like to reread them over and over again ^_^

    ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀ May 3, 2015 2:49 pm
    Thank you ^_^ well I just want to playing before the new chap update . lying in hospital with nothing to do is bored ;-; but when new chap out I like to reread them over and over again ^_^ Ryuakilover

    If there is room for an extra comment, I think that you have a good sense of humor and I wish you a quick recovery ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 3:03 pm
    If there is room for an extra comment, I think that you have a good sense of humor and I wish you a quick recovery ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀

    Thank you ^_^

    Alohomori May 3, 2015 4:39 pm

    Thank you again for providing us those funny scenes, and for taking the time to edit the chapters. I think it must be a compliment for any author to see people making fun modifying texts on pages from their own books to make others smile or laugh. It implies that their mangas are interesting and appreciated.
    So, keep up your good work if you want to post other funny scenes :)

    I also hope for you a prompt recovery ;)

    tokidoki May 3, 2015 4:48 pm


    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 5:16 pm
    Thank you again for providing us those funny scenes, and for taking the time to edit the chapters. I think it must be a compliment for any author to see people making fun modifying texts on pages from their own... Alohomori

    Thank you so much :))) i definitely be healthy soon . Hehe
    But sorry grammar i think still my enemy
    English is not my first language
    Bad enough im just learning english from manga /reading fiction/anime only
    So about grammar i totally clueless

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 5:21 pm
    Awww...thanks! tokidoki

    ( @.@ ) well the three of you is the one i remember from 7-8 months ago >_< im barely reading anything coz vision problem
    So when im start seeing the comments like back than , the three of you still here though .
    All this time i just reading the manga after that close it , cant read more than 5 minutes -.-

    tokidoki May 3, 2015 5:28 pm
    ( @.@ ) well the three of you is the one i remember from 7-8 months ago >_< im barely reading anything coz vision problem So when im start seeing the comments like back than , the three of you still here ... Ryuakilover

    I am sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon! Did you have surgery? (I had eye surgery a long time ago to correct my extreme myopia - was considered legally blind) so I can empathize fully with vision problems! Long recovery but now I see almost 20/20 for the first time in my life.
    Yes, there are a number of us still on this site, I remember you!

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 5:34 pm
    I am sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon! Did you have surgery? (I had eye surgery a long time ago to correct my extreme myopia - was considered legally blind) so I can empathize fully with vision proble... tokidoki

    Well doctor did suggested that but ... Well you see haha i cant pay for it
    The cost is too high so i just take the traditional way here and sometime hospital too ( im still immigrant here for almost 9 years now )
    Since i live alone need to work too
    Some of my friends helping me too so im fine now

    tokidoki May 3, 2015 5:45 pm
    Well doctor did suggested that but ... Well you see haha i cant pay for it The cost is too high so i just take the traditional way here and sometime hospital too ( im still immigrant here for almost 9 years now... Ryuakilover

    Glad to hear you are fine.
    Ah, my father paid for my surgery, after he accidentally sat on my 800$ glasses - haha - he finally said "enough of this walking around blind - I know you can't find your glasses if you take them off for a few minutes - let's see if we can fix this..." So after 16 years of paying for extremely expensive glasses - we paid $4400 for surgery and I have yet to need glasses again! It's an investment in the future! *winks* I was very very lucky!

    Alohomori May 3, 2015 6:30 pm
    Thank you so much :))) i definitely be healthy soon . Hehe But sorry grammar i think still my enemy English is not my first languageBad enough im just learning english from manga /reading fiction/anime onlySo a... Ryuakilover

    Don't worry, I'm not the one who is going to make a comment about your English as I make mistakes too. Like you, English is not my maternal language, as you can see it with the little flag next to my pseudonym. I think the most important point is that you are understandable.

    You're making efforts to write in another language. It's good for you to improve your level in this language and also, to communicate with other people through the world and share your opinions about the mangas you like. So, don't worry if you make mistakes in English: learning a foreign language is always difficult but it would be a shame not to communicate with others just because of that :)

    tokidoki May 3, 2015 7:16 pm
    Thank you so much :))) i definitely be healthy soon . Hehe But sorry grammar i think still my enemy English is not my first languageBad enough im just learning english from manga /reading fiction/anime onlySo a... Ryuakilover

    I don't usually comment on other people's grammar/spelling myself - as I know how hard it is to learn new languages - I have a few myself and while I spoke English for most of my life, it is not my first language either. English is a hugely complicated language with so many odd rules!

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 7:32 pm

    Ignore the the rude comment. It's not spam since it is related to the series, and I think the majority who see them are amused. People are cranky and awaiting the new chapter, at least your boredom is going into something somewhat productive, lol.
    Also I guess this is a sign I'm on here too much, though I know I've been commenting a lot less than back then, lol. (For the record, it's "Miya-no-ai (I)" in case anyone was wondering, based off a character from Detective Conan).

    Sorry about vision as well. I'm actually near sighted in only one eye, which usually isn't a problem except when I have to look at a board in class at a distance. I have glasses, but I can't actually walk in them or I get dizzy. Glad you are able to make these even with that issue. ^^

    ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀ May 3, 2015 8:52 pm

    Well guys, I don't want to exaggerate but there is something I wanted to point to since yesterday. Though I don't make too much comments here or elsewhere but I read the main board's messages. There is something which I've noticed about the "stop spamming message" which was marked as annoying under this topic, I think that this is a trolling strategy.

    I am 100% sure that I saw something along the same lines last week. I think this is how internet trolls create chaos. They go into pages with high discussion rates, they spot an opening or create one to sow discord between people, start a flame war and just sit on comfy chairs, having fun watching other people at each other's throats.

    I bet that in the last time's fight or catfight or whatever it is called, the internet troll was fanning the "war", under some random alias, by injecting insidious comments (not too many, just a few to pour oil on the fire).

    I think that he didn't have enough "fun" two days ago and he wanted to create a new war today. I was worried when I saw the "stop spamming" message early in the day but now I am glad that you guys sided with your fellow fan. That is really nice, hopefully that all these menial "tactics" will be spotted immediately by good willing fans like yourselves.

    P.S. if anyone is interested, please read "The Birth of the Internet Troll" by Eishley Feinberg on Gizmodo, "Internet Trolls Are Narcissists etc." by Dr. Jennifer Golbeck on Psychology Today.
    ... and good luck for you all, for all good fans in this page or elsewhere in Mangago. Trolls are really a pain in the neck but they could be easily outsmarted by good will even if they try to be smart with their crafty petty "tactics"!

    Mameiha May 3, 2015 9:38 pm
    Thank you ^_^ well I just want to playing before the new chap update . lying in hospital with nothing to do is bored ;-; but when new chap out I like to reread them over and over again ^_^ Ryuakilover

    I'm bed bound too. Hope that you will feel better soon or, if you are like me, that a good day is dawning for you. I did want to ask, where do you learn to work with the pages like you do? Were you part of a group?

    Mameiha May 3, 2015 9:55 pm
    Thank you ^_^ well I just want to playing before the new chap update . lying in hospital with nothing to do is bored ;-; but when new chap out I like to reread them over and over again ^_^ Ryuakilover

    Sorry for missing the post about your English. I am a HUGE grammar nazi but, never with non-native speakers / writers. I am learning new languages myself ( French and Japanese ) and it is difficult. When you are feeling better and able to see / read better, if you want some help with your English I would love to teach you. I love the spoken / written word (why I LOVE Japanese) and want to share the beauty of my language with anyone who wants to learn. So, let me know.

    Ryuakilover May 3, 2015 11:11 pm
    I'm bed bound too. Hope that you will feel better soon or, if you are like me, that a good day is dawning for you. I did want to ask, where do you learn to work with the pages like you do? Were you part of a gr... Mameiha

    Im not work with any pages , Nor any part with any group
    Btw may i ask learning in what ^^ sorry sometimes my brain cannot catch up