The artist announced that he will be working on another manga called 2gether as this serie...

Hinaru77 October 21, 2020 1:58 am

The artist announced that he will be working on another manga called 2gether as this series comes to end soon

    tahime October 21, 2020 7:10 pm

    How many chapters does this one have ? Also do you know if we’ll get any smexy scenes lol

    Tortugas October 22, 2020 3:14 am

    Aww. That show was so boring, probably one of the last Thai BLs I tried to watch. This illustrator’s prodigious skills deserve better, much better (like this manga, which is really interesting). I guess that job will pay comparatively well, considering how popular 2together was.

    Hinaru77 October 26, 2020 4:53 am
    How many chapters does this one have ? Also do you know if we’ll get any smexy scenes lol tahime

    Hello. Chapter 16 finally showed them having sex. It’s very cute, he stated that next chapter is the last one.

    nickname November 5, 2020 1:05 pm
    Aww. That show was so boring, probably one of the last Thai BLs I tried to watch. This illustrator’s prodigious skills deserve better, much better (like this manga, which is really interesting). I guess that ... Tortugas

    uh.. i think the 2gether manga said by this person isn't the same with that thai BL 2gether the series..?

    nickname November 5, 2020 1:07 pm
    uh.. i think the 2gether manga said by this person isn't the same with that thai BL 2gether the series..? nickname

    oh okay sorry for not checking things up first. yea it's the same "2gether". once again, sorry

    __yūmcha November 26, 2020 10:36 am
    Aww. That show was so boring, probably one of the last Thai BLs I tried to watch. This illustrator’s prodigious skills deserve better, much better (like this manga, which is really interesting). I guess that ... Tortugas

    same i also didn't like it that much. the 2nd couple was my fav though. they actually had clear development.
    i feel like Tine and Sarawat's relationship was kinda frustrating

    Hinaru77 November 27, 2020 2:35 am

    Hmm. Never seen it. Well see what he does. He already working on it

    Hinaru77 December 3, 2020 10:47 am
    How many chapters does this one have ? Also do you know if we’ll get any smexy scenes lol tahime

    Update. Final chapter is 17.