The Translator Sucks

blueberrymilq October 21, 2020 1:34 am

Chillock is a racist, transphobic (and mostly likely homophobic), disgusting piece of trash. The manga is actually wonderful but is being tainted by his shitty outdated memes, racial slurs, and transphobic comments. It's also fucking weird that he keeps posting pictures of the cosplays despite the cosplayers telling him not to and even has the nerve to list the BIPOC cosplayer as "cultural appropriation". How is that cultural appropriation but white girls cosplaying a japanese character isn't? I would gladly do the translations myself but as the official translations will be releasing eventually, there'd be no point.

    moth69 October 23, 2020 4:56 pm

    i agree fully :/ it kinda maybe me uncomfy seeing the transphobic meme that they did with the manga plane :/

    colourful.roads October 24, 2020 11:10 pm

    AGREED they even made George Floyd jokes :/::/ it’s funny cuz they’re hiding behind a screen but I doubt they’d even make those jokes in person

    TruckLover69 October 25, 2020 7:58 am

    Yeah- I was confused on why people were hating on the translator till I read it
    Can't wait for the official translation