Sharpe obviously doesn't want to "terminate" AJ. He was even arguing and trying to make it seem like AJ still had use to them up till his director cut the line.
He's probably just feelin' on edge 'cause of the mission and the fact that he doesn't want to have to kill AJ but there's no telling what might happen to the both of them if he doesn't follow orders.
Sharpe also doesn't know exactly what is going on and AJ wasn't expecting Warren to literally dope him up and get him gang raped. This wasn't in their calculations so ofc Sharpe doesn't know what is going on while he leaves that voicemail.
skskskjgskjsk I can´t belive this shit, but then again Sharpe really can be a bitch sometimes aye.
¨Ï don´t care if you´re sucking dick¨ B I T C H you have orders to murder my boy and you can´t even stand to be fucking nice to him??!?!?!