so it wasn't enough for you when his guardian beat Lee Kang with a pipe until he had deep bruises and wounds covering his whole body. While hitting him, he told Lee Kang he was no good unless he was setting world records in swimming, told him he couldn't go to school for a time, threw his dead parents in his face, told him he owed him, and locked him in a dungeon for several days with no medical attention for his wounds?
Or that he has been getting these beatings since he was a little kid?
Not enough beating for you?

Ight. To clear it up, it’s terrible—his past, and I wish it didn’t happen. But u see survivors of abusive relationships and situations may be traumatized, but u don’t see them going so far as to blackmail people for sexual acts and rape them. That type of thing, its unjustifiable. There’s not a single excuse or exception as to why u should force sex on others. I rlly shouldn’t have to clear that up since it’s common sense- but anyways, back to reading Yaoi

Both of you are jerks who just want to blow hard with all your jargon and rhetoric. Neither of you answered the question so you're both saying you think violence is the answer, so you're no better than anyone else who uses violence to get their way. Go sit on the bench with the murderers, serial killers, and rapists. You make me sick

In this case, I’m saying that if a fight does happen in the next chapter... then seme deserves to get punched in his shit. He’s had a terrible past of abuse, I know, and I would never side with something like that—just like I would never side with rape. Seme raped the uke, and for most people in this cruel world, there is no excuse for why rape should happen. No matter how bad ur past is, u usually don’t go and pass it on, giving another person horrible memories when they had nothing to do with the bad things that happened in ur life. Yes, he’s been abused by someone who should’ve protected him, and now because of that, he suddenly shouldn’t get beaten up after raping someone? That’s not how this game of life works—if u do something wrong, u get punished for it. That’s like saying... I punched someone in the face, but they’re not allowed to hit me back bc I was punched in the past. Anyways- Innocence is what the situation comes down to—the uke didn’t beat him. The uke didn’t rape or blackmail him. So how come it’s the uke that has to live with the memory of him being forced to spread his legs...? I hope ur understanding where I’m coming from, if not... I’m fine with helping u understand it further. And if u attempt to say that rape is a good thing that happened, then I won’t be speaking to u anymore, and I’d hope you’ll seek professional help about ur mindset.

Bro you’re such a fucking idiot. Who defends rape. Okay he has a fucked up past but that still doesn’t give him the right to go and rape someone, what the fuck is wrong with you. Do you know how many rape victims are traumatized and can’t go through their daily life normally again because of that happened to them. You’re sitting here and saying it’s okay to roughly rape someone because you want to ‘beat them’ or ‘surpass’ them. That can destroy someone and you’re defending the shit. Him getting beaten is another story he needs justice for that, but him raping someone is not right and he doesn’t belong with Junho. That is so unhealthy, and you’re obviously sick and the head because I’m seeing you everything saying that it’s alright for the uke to consistently get raped. You need serious help I think you’ve got a lose screw up there you idiot.

oh jesus. If it's just like a punch then I guess you're okay and I can take back what I said. I don't think it would be smart for Junho to hit Lee Kang, but sure, he deserves to get some licks in. Maybe if Lee Kang said, "go ahead and hit me. I guess I've got it coming." then okay. I've fought over far stupider things. In that case, Junho would not be taking his life in his hands. Otherwixe, you know, don't poke the bear.
On the other thing, where I'm coming from is that this is a book I'm reading for my own amusement. I'm not going to get bent out of shape over a rape in a book. I'm going to enjoy the fantasy. I can get all wound up over anything. I don't need to do so just because of a rape in a fictional story .... that was hot as hell! beautifully drawn! omg.

I can see where ur coming from—this is just a story to enjoy reading, no matter what happens in it, and there’s no need to get out of character over it. But u make it seem as if ur supporting rape in reality, yknow? Even though I can keep mangas situations such as this one separate from reality, I still don’t support rape. If u can have a fantasy/kink of rape and still not support the real thing, hurray for u! Many people can! But others cannot help but to think about the real thing and see it as disgusting and wrong, for (as u know) situations like this happens irl. So what I’m kinda saying is... there’s no need to go around lashing out on people bc of how they think of rape in mangas. Rape is a bit of a common fantasy, some people just find it erotic to be forced and dominated—and it’s totally fine to have such fantasies, the only true requirements being that everyone is at a consensual age, consensual species and...! Not supporting the reality of it. If this is how ur seeing it, have a very nice day/night :)

Yes no, no one fantasizes about this shit except for you bro, do you see how many people are saying that what he does was wrong and their uncomfortable with it? So I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who enjoys that sick shit because almost everyone here is disagreeing with what you’re saying, you OBVIOUSLY need help. Don’t even waste your time to reply to any of my comments at all because I’m not replying. You’re not even worth continuing a conversation with because you obviously have problems

Hey. I understand ur view point, buts let’s not be too selfish about this. If u look at my comment from earlier, u might get a better understanding, but it is fantasy/kink for some people to get raped/forced. And it’s okay to have said fetish; it’s only wrong when it’s the real thing. People sometimes like to “role play” rape scenes for their exotic pleasure, and as I said, that’s totally okay, since it’s not reality. And that’s where I think that this person is trying to say. This is only a manga—and though it can happen irl, they’re strictly keeping the manga separate from reality. Meaning... they’re fine with it happening in a fantasy (or a manga like this) bc it’s literally just a drawn made-up story, but wouldn’t support is happening in reality. Anyways I hope that’s what they’re trying to say, cuz it would make a whole lot of more sense

(You don’t have to read it all if you don’t want I’m sorry I typed a lot) Okay I understand what you’re saying and im not trying to be selfish about anything. People who like to role play and have a kink for this, I have nothing against it. But did you not read any of this persons comments?? They’re going around getting angry at everyone causing lots of arguments and saying this is totally okay with what’s happening to the uke. Some people are shipping the blonde and uke together which shouldn’t be a problem, because people can ship who they want, but quicksilver is disagreeing with them in the rudest way ever. It’s okay to disagree but the way he’s just going at them, and lashing out is not right which is why all of my replies are filled with a lot of anger. I understand it’s a manga and all but the way this person puts it can rub people off the wrong way and make them uncomfortable. Let’s be logical here, even if it’s a manga some people still.. want to have a realistic story, and an actual couple with a healthy relationship, and their relationship isn’t healthy. So with that being said I can see why a lot of people don’t want the uke and seme together. Some people also take mangas seriously regardless if it’s fiction and we can’t deny that because it’s true. I don’t see how someone would like the rape that’s in this story. There’s other mangas.. that have rape and some people may find it sexy, I personally don’t like them but there are some that aren’t that bad, and not as hardcore. But in this manga it’s just.. no. The seme is absolutely horrible and his past is no excuse for him to act this way, and Quick Silver is trying to say his past justifies his actions which it doesn’t. It’s just not right and I can tell that quicksilver is very serious with what they’re saying, even if it’s just a manga so that’s also why I’m getting very serious. I’m sorry if I offended anyone who has this fetish.. but in this manga, idk how anyone could even like it. I personally don’t like rape at all. I only continue to read to see how the plot will unfold. But anyways nice chat, If you reply I’ll look, I may or may not respond. Thank you for trying to make me understand and I completely understand where you are coming from and can’t argue with what you said. You’re speaking with logic and making a reasonable point.
Ok but... long haired boi is so cute when he knows right from wrong like, yes mommy. Teach him a lesson. I feel like a fight will probably happen, and tbh I hope long hair knocks the shit out of him, along with sense IN him. I understand hes maybe damaged from his past, but can’t nun justify the bad things he’s done, he needs a few pows to rearrange his brain cells frfr