hol up

plagueee7 October 20, 2020 9:18 pm

ok so what im seeing is a lot of y’all are mad at cain for leaving, but i think y’all are misunderstanding. cain left so he could continue fighting, not just because he was able to get his powers back. and he says himself he’s fighting to get rid of “anyone who will kill your (gyeong’s) light”. cain doesn’t want to leave him. but in order to protect him, he has to keep fighting against sid and satan’s armies. and because gyeong just almost died for his sake AGAIN he probably doesn’t want to drag him along with him.
he also talks about how he can’t stop caring for gyeong in chapter 37-38. i like him, but im p sure aaron was just bullshitting gyeong by telling him and was free and all.
cain says like “even in death i’ll be with you” or smthn like that in earlier chapters so yeah. i don’t think cain wants to leave gyeong.

    Arthemisse October 20, 2020 11:13 pm

    Yes, thank you!! Cain literally adores Gyeong (even if he doesn’t openly says it). If he walks he’s definitely not doing it because he wants to.

    imo_meraki October 21, 2020 1:30 pm

    Omgg ya'll should see the raws :)))

    plagueee7 October 21, 2020 4:41 pm
    Omgg ya'll should see the raws :))) imo_meraki

    haishsha that scares me uh oh

    Arthemisse October 21, 2020 9:32 pm
    Omgg ya'll should see the raws :))) imo_meraki

    I know right??