I get kinda sad when they mention the "ugly" appearances of the two sisters, because they look so cute tho!! They're basically portrayed as the basic and average kind of girls, but in manners and abilities they are superior (? I dunno how to explain it lol). Just when the mother said that they would be ignored or left alone at the ball my heart hurts for them
I wholeheartedly agree!! All three of the sisters are adorable, it’s sad how they get treated as plain women, but they have such great pride and personality’s compared to how they’re described in the start. :D
I get kinda sad when they mention the "ugly" appearances of the two sisters, because they look so cute tho!! They're basically portrayed as the basic and average kind of girls, but in manners and abilities they are superior (? I dunno how to explain it lol). Just when the mother said that they would be ignored or left alone at the ball my heart hurts for them