Why it wouldn’t work as a 3p

SiO October 20, 2020 5:04 pm

Honestly, I’m glad it was a love triangle. It makes much more sense narratively that with what’s going on in each of the characters minds; Souma being the biggest problem child.
Souma, as described in the extras, is a sadist and for a lot of his scenes he’s been destructive, either to himself or to the others around him. Although it’s cool that they were able to remain friends, it’s only right that Souma would step out and reflect on what he had done. Souma did some shitty things out of jealousy and fear of being alone; which I myself would not let him continue to be my friend if he did those things. I believe that’s the main basis of why a threesome with these characters wouldn’t work; simply put not only that Souma is a problem in a 3p relationship (you know, having to treat everyone EQUALLY and not acting on selfish greed, plus the communication that goes with it which Souma clearly denied when he lied to Yuu-yu) but also the difference of pace. If this was a 3p relationship the chance of the main character being subjected to things he just wasn’t ready for as a pure and shy human is very likely in the hands of Souma. Sure, Yuu-yu could wait (he did) but Souma would manipulate the MC and possibly act like earlier. After all, Souma liked Yuu-yu, and towards the MC would manipulate, confuse, and twist them around so that they could quite possibly break.
That’s why I like it how it is, that Souma stepped out of the messy triangle (and in turn, self-destruction). I hope that by college he had learned how to better himself instead of being that shitty asshole who manipulates people. And by the looks of the extra, I’d say he changed.
