If you love someone you desire above all else their happiness. If you truly love someone y...

Anonymous May 2, 2015 8:41 am

If you love someone you desire above all else their happiness. If you truly love someone you should be able to overcome the desire to monopolize them, the desire to posses them. Because a human being does not want to be possessed or monopolized. I don't want to hear the bullshit about "because I love them, i hurt them" you do not love them, you love the idea of loving them. Why would you stand their and grin, and laugh and be happy that she is with you when she is miserable? Why would it matter that you are together when she is miserable? Why would you rape her and say it is because you love her? Why would you force her to be with you and say it is because you love her? That is not love, that is just selfishness. I have loved and I understand that yes you desire to monopolize all of that person, you wish he or she would look only at you, you lust, however at the end of the day I desire that person's happiness above all. I can let go if it means they will be happy. Because what worth is your love if they are not happy? what is it worth when they want to die? Your love is worth nothing.

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 10:21 am

    U talking bout a manga if u are can u give me the name.
    Let me tell you something bout me this was kinda like my story to but I was only raped, I tried to escape but I couldn't unlock the lock because I was to scared,in the end I was captured...mostly every night he do horrible things to me and the worse part is that he's my older brother and still lives my family and me, my family doesn't know this, I'm scared what they'll say or if I tell he'll rape me again.....when he's lying in my bed playing games and I'm on it I try to make enough space between us, he thinks I don't remember what he did to me but I remember clearly....

    anonymous May 2, 2015 2:05 pm
    U talking bout a manga if u are can u give me the name. Let me tell you something bout me this was kinda like my story to but I was only raped, I tried to escape but I couldn't unlock the lock because I was to ... @Anonymous

    here is my opinion you can agree or not but wether you tell somebody about it your parents anyone or if you can you go far from him. i don't know how old you are but if you can move out if you can study in an other city do it but don' let the fear holding you.
    still tru to talk to someone about it a psy, a friend or someone.