I want them to have a baby too, but the child will suffer in the future so I'd rather not ...

Manmanse October 20, 2020 3:29 pm

I want them to have a baby too, but the child will suffer in the future so I'd rather not see it ╥﹏╥

    Jia15_VAP October 22, 2020 3:47 am

    Me too I want them to have a baby

    Kate_skyrocket December 11, 2020 4:36 pm

    It depends on the author whether the child would suffer or not. I think making this story an omegaverse and not letting them have a baby is kinda waste of potential

    Manmanse December 11, 2020 5:16 pm
    It depends on the author whether the child would suffer or not. I think making this story an omegaverse and not letting them have a baby is kinda waste of potential Kate_skyrocket

    For me I dont think so, the child would suffer no matter what the situation is. The baby most likely would be an alpha or an omega, the mls are only the mutated ones and rare. And alpha and omegas can only pair with each other, so the child will be alone forever (T_T) unless the author make it to partner him/her to a beta making it unlogical

    Manmanse December 11, 2020 5:23 pm
    It depends on the author whether the child would suffer or not. I think making this story an omegaverse and not letting them have a baby is kinda waste of potential Kate_skyrocket

    For me I dont think so, the child most likely would be an alpha or omega and alpha and omega can only pair with each other. The mls are the only mutated ones and rare so the child will be forever alone unless the author partners him/her to a beta with a necessary drama , well I will look forward to it if the author did that hehe

    Manmanse December 11, 2020 5:26 pm
    It depends on the author whether the child would suffer or not. I think making this story an omegaverse and not letting them have a baby is kinda waste of potential Kate_skyrocket

    Lolol, I thought my first reply was erased, sorry about that. (^.^)

    Kate_skyrocket December 11, 2020 9:29 pm
    For me I dont think so, the child most likely would be an alpha or omega and alpha and omega can only pair with each other. The mls are the only mutated ones and rare so the child will be forever alone unless t... Manmanse

    Well, this is a fictional world so everything is still up to the author. And omegaverse rules are obviously not set in stone. I’ve read mangas where representatives of every gender married each other and had kids. Like in Kusabi Keri’ s manga (don’t remember its’ name) beta and omega formed a pair and even had kids. Or in Megumi to Tsugumi, Tsugumi’s parents are alpha and omega but they gave birth to an omega son and beta daughter, and it wasn’t considered as something uncommon. That’s why I think author could gave us a cute little beta daughter or adorable beta son (or even both), and thus avoid any drama, and it wouldn’t be against omegaverse laws. In the first place, if alphas and omegas went extinct in this world, doesn’t it mean that more and more beta kids started to appear in alpha and omega families, right? Well, anyway Sensei chose to write it like that which is a tiny bit disappointing

    Manmanse December 13, 2020 5:02 pm
    Well, this is a fictional world so everything is still up to the author. And omegaverse rules are obviously not set in stone. I’ve read mangas where representatives of every gender married each other and had ... Kate_skyrocket

    Lol, It didn't come to my mind to have their kid as a beta because I haven't encounter a omegaverse that their kid is a beta, but it's a good idea. Now I want to see that too, waste of potential indeed (╯︵╰,)