Eeeh, here's the notes from the dust covers. They're quite short, so why not :V *I was wro...

Lightasus May 1, 2015 11:44 pm

Eeeh, here's the notes from the dust covers. They're quite short, so why not :V
*I was wrong on some of the info about the cats earlier, I thought Moemaru was also Moeru lol. And I'm missing volume 3 and 5, for the first one I'm just too lazy to go to the store, for the latter it went out of print this winter aha... Planning to buy them in Japanese anyway~

Volume 1 (2002):
- Ayano Yamane -
Blood type: A
I live in a little spot in Osaka.
I quite like the energetic ukes! The semes too are super cool, wether they're cruel or stupid, it's fine.
I like mangas, video games, karaage (fried chicken), cheese and lots of other things.
Right now I'm a fan of everything made of laces!

Volume 2 (2004):
Here's Moemaru, the persian cat I adopted last summer. At first my assistants nicknamed it Akira (clarty), because my maine coon is named Hikaru (light). He turns over when he hears it, so we might be better off calling him that once and for all...

Volume 4 (2007):
It's not a white badger! It's Moeru, my persian cat. I put a photo of her still all small in the reedited edition, but in no time she was already bigger than Hikaru!
Her tail and body are as voluminous as that of badgers, one might almost mistake her for one...

Volume 6 (2011):
- Ayano Yamane -
Born a 18 december, type A
Hello, it's Ayano Yamane! Here's the volume 6 of the Finder series! I sincerely hope that it pleased you.
One year and a half after the last volume, my new persian cat had 4 babies and the family has expended~ With my job, it's rather handicapping... Uh, no, comforting! (*^^*)

Volume 7 (2013):
Hello! It's Ayano Yamane. So here's the volume 7 of the Finder series. Thanks to all of you who bought this manga! I realize that it has been 12 years since its first publication in a magazine... Hum, hum... I'm really moved when I think of all the people that are following me since the very first volume! I'll be forever grateful to you. As for the ones recently joining us, I hope you'll be enjoying this manga and that you'll stay with me for a very long time! Ha ha!

    misekatte May 2, 2015 12:33 am

    Aw, thanks! That is certainly fun to read! Love her bits on her babies (meow)

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 1:32 am

    Thanks for that. She really does love her cats. (I think I saw a cat that looks just like Moeru (at least from what I recall. I should really get back on twitter).

    J Unleashed May 3, 2015 4:18 am

    Thank you!!!