Please appreciate the translators, periodt

akakurokochii October 20, 2020 11:37 am

I saw a comment dissing the translation and honestly those of yall who are publicly commenting to do these things are so fucking ungrateful. First of all, the translators kind heartedly translated this for us and posted it FOR FREE. Therefore, if you hate it so much then either do it yourself or don't read it. Just go on to read another better translated manga. It's really hurtful to do something nice and yet still have people complain about the quality of the work. There is literally no need for you to spread hate towards the translators who were nice enough to share. It's not easy to translate. So yeah, stop posting unappreciative comments and at least acknowledge how much work is put in into sharing with the community this content. I for one, would love to have the translators continue the translations. Yes, it may not be the best translating job out there, but i am still very thankful for the people who posted these. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these chapters.

    akakurokochii October 20, 2020 11:40 am

    Of course I'm only directing this to those who posted comments like "bad translation" or whatever else. I don't mean those who thanked the translators as well. Just sick and tired of people being ungrateful to the translators every time the job isn't perfectly done.

    AmethystPrismarine October 20, 2020 1:23 pm
    Of course I'm only directing this to those who posted comments like "bad translation" or whatever else. I don't mean those who thanked the translators as well. Just sick and tired of people being ungrateful to ... akakurokochii

    OMG, this comment deserves so many likes. Like, do these people even know how difficult translating is??? like, bruh, you try and translate, and you can also share their pain.

    I'm so disgusted with people who always says, "Bad translation" and it's just a few sentences they don't understand.

    AmethystPrismarine October 20, 2020 2:16 pm

    Besides, MTL is much worse than this. Much, much worse, I tell you, people.