she might not even be sasuke's kid after all we havent seen the sharingan activate yet... if anything it would be awesome if she was a momentomthat itachi left behind that sasuke picked up on his search ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
I agree Anonymous my point is that we are now 2 chapters in to me it doesn't make sense as too many questions was left unanswered and I think this new series will answer them now which I am looking forward to even if Sakura is it isn't the mother she raised her as her own that counts there is a saying that is very true "Anyone can become a parent but it takes a real man/woman to step up and actually be one!" Looking forward to more mysteries being unraveled :-)
To be honest I feel everyone has jumped the gun assuming that Karin is the mother, it's only been 1 chapter. 699 to 700 there is a huge time skip and to be fair the ending of Naruto left us a lot of unanswered questions?
My First point is how in the hell has Sarada got the same glasses as Karin? If you look it's identical coincidence I think not! Not only that but what did happen to the members of Taka? What happened to Orochimaru? What happened to Kabuto? We don't know
Also what intrigued me is that we never had closure regarding how SasuSaku got together we did get a movie for NaruHina but nothing about how Sasuke and Sakura and how they married?
Also he has been out of the village yet again so where has he been he may of been in a mission at the end of 699 he told Sakura he would come back and I believe he did and still does care deeply for Sakura and that Sarada is indeed their child I think this is Kishimoto trolling us and putting the shipping wars to rest in my opinion we had a winner regarding NaruHinaSaku now it's SakuSasuKarin turn!
When the movie for the last came out there was a mix up when the story was leaked with a different version involving a fight with Sasuke Sakura against a Nara member where Karin risked her life for one of them and Sakura took her glasses as a momentum if you look at the 1st chapter her younger pictures has no glasses not only that but how do we not know regarding Sakura and her family history? This chapter to me does not scream I am Karin's daughter I think Karin had more in common with suigetsu than Sasuke so until more chapters are released I think we should hold our judgement because deep down I think it's not what people are thinking.