Then sempai found out then procceded to call the cops. Kouhai begged him not to call and said he would do anything for him if he didn't.

"I want just more than looking at him", the Kouhai said. I want to live my dream not just dream it. Hence one day, Kaitou decided that he just needed to take action. He decided that he should find a way to seduce his sempai, so he sat down plotting his next actions.
"What should I do, what can I do?", he asked! He kept thinking for days and days but then the solution finally emerged from the storm of his wandering thoughts.

As the kouhai continued his wet dreams he could not help but moan. The thoughts if his sempai's soft lips on his nipple and big hand around his DingDong gave the Kouhai a weird lingering feeling, which he had never felt before.
So the next day the Kouhai gathered a sponge, a Sailor Moon pillow an pink apron. He walked nervously to his senpai's home, he wondered if he could just go back home but he also knew that this was the moment. "Go big or go home" he mumbled to himself as he stood in front of his sempai's door.

The kouhai rang the doorbell with the sponge, sailor moon pillow, and the pink apron in his hands. Senpai opens the door, "what's up?" asked the Senpai. "want some help with the household chores?" replied the kouhai. "household chores? Then what's up with the sailor moon pillow?" Senpai questioned, confused with the pillow.

For a fraction of a second, but what seemed minutes, the two stared at each other. They were close enough to feel each others hot breaths...The kohai, madly red, couldn't meet his sempais eyes. "I..i'm sorry..." he mumbled, as regained his senses and attempted to move away. But what his sempai did next was definitely NOT what he had expected...

His boner was as huge as mount everest
...long, long ago, in a land far away, lived a cute little kouhai, who lusted after his sempai, everyday...