None of them will die. They will be badly injured and then both will recover at some point...

Anonymous October 19, 2020 9:38 pm

None of them will die. They will be badly injured and then both will recover at some point. There will be some plot twist whether it's amnesia or something no one is expecting. I am thrilled already. I wonder if Sudou died tho (which will make Aki a murderer and I don't want him to be one)! And what about that other bad guy who was with Sudou? That jerk sure is still alive! ( ̄へ ̄)

    Mari October 20, 2020 2:43 am

    If there is going to be amnesia there, I hope the only one who has it is Akihito, we have already seen everything he has done to be with Asami, now it is his turn to see how he is going to get Aki back. (just my opinion)

    LadyLight October 20, 2020 6:53 am

    It seems Aki shot Sudou on the shoulder, so my guess is that he's still alive. Sakazaki is alive a he's around that area too. I wonder if he's going to save Sudou or maybe also Aki (for some unknown purpose). This is for sure: Sakazaki fucked up everything with Mikhail since it looks he helped Sudou with his plans and actively collaborated with him by going to the temple to lure Akihito out.

    bangsta October 20, 2020 11:38 am
    It seems Aki shot Sudou on the shoulder, so my guess is that he's still alive. Sakazaki is alive a he's around that area too. I wonder if he's going to save Sudou or maybe also Aki (for some unknown purpose). T... LadyLight

    Nah, Sudou's intent was to kill Aki at the temple to make Asami feel pain. Sakazaki tipped Aki off to save him. He likes Aki and last we saw of him, thinks Sudou is nuts. Not a stretch to believe he'll switch sides again. YA likes Sakazaki. Could be he's her pick for saving the day.

    MahirF October 20, 2020 1:02 pm

    Really guys, you think Sudou could still survive? Damn, it will drag the revenge plot way too long! Maybe he will be killed accidentally by the helicopter or something. At least it won't be Aki's fault if he dies that way. But I hope we'll be done with him at the end if this Arc. As for Sakazaki, he is pretty much useless. Asami still doesn't know he forced Aki to give him a bj in exchange of information! It seems it doesn't matters anymore... Still one week to go, YAY!!

    KetSav October 20, 2020 1:16 pm
    Nah, Sudou's intent was to kill Aki at the temple to make Asami feel pain. Sakazaki tipped Aki off to save him. He likes Aki and last we saw of him, thinks Sudou is nuts. Not a stretch to believe he'll switch s... bangsta

    Whose Chosen Savior? Just don't say that Akihito's savior = _ = Sakazaki is not such a bad guy, just a guy looking for a place in life, it seems that the dude is confused somewhere, perhaps this story will lead him to where he is looking for a way. The main thing is not to touch Akihito !!! But it was not just shown, it means that it will play some role.

    KetSav October 20, 2020 1:19 pm
    If there is going to be amnesia there, I hope the only one who has it is Akihito, we have already seen everything he has done to be with Asami, now it is his turn to see how he is going to get Aki back. (just m... Mari

    I like your idea. Akihito has already proven that he is worthy of Asami, now Asami has to prove, because in the end Akihito deserved it.

    MahirF October 20, 2020 1:38 pm
    If there is going to be amnesia there, I hope the only one who has it is Akihito, we have already seen everything he has done to be with Asami, now it is his turn to see how he is going to get Aki back. (just m... Mari

    But if so then Asami will just lock down Akihito at his place until he recovers his memory and it will be exactly like before: Asami forcing Akihito to stay with him. What we've never seen is Asami giving Akihito his freedom back and let him make his own decisions. So far, he was always manipulating him to keep him beside him. So if ever Aki looses his memory, Asami should leave him alone let him advance his career as a journalist while secretly keeping an eye on him...

    nawtynawty October 21, 2020 1:17 am
    Really guys, you think Sudou could still survive? Damn, it will drag the revenge plot way too long! Maybe he will be killed accidentally by the helicopter or something. At least it won't be Aki's fault if he di... MahirF

    I’m actually still hoping he finds out just so he can be killed and we can see more of Asami’s jealous side c:

    LadyLight October 21, 2020 11:35 am
    I’m actually still hoping he finds out just so he can be killed and we can see more of Asami’s jealous side c: nawtynawty

    Sakazaki is indeed a sleazebag but I guess he will be alive for a very long time. As someone else commented before, it seems Sensei likes him (me too).

    LeSuperHoobae October 24, 2020 8:48 pm

    I have lots of thoughts lately. I know this might sound hilarious and impossible, but the greatest plot twist would be Akihito’s parents/guardians will get him since he might have “amnesia”, then another arc will start. New characters, new conflicts, and unending cat chases rat scenarios. Haha. There will be police, investigators, etc. involved. Just sharing. ;)