I don't really understand how him having low self esteem and having those thoughts of being a burden to his foster parents is considered fucked up? And why is it comparable to rape in any way?
Isn't normal even for normal familial bonds to have the thought of not being a burden on each other, what more for souji who was adopted after his parents died? I don't want to consider he was fucked up because of those feelings. Misguided, yes. But not fucked up. He did what he thinks is right for them despite it being really wrong and hurtful for their family.

Hey there
I'm not comparing rape and low self-esteem at all, nor am I denying what you're saying.
I'm just saying, having such sweet parents I do t understand how souji got so scared and self conscious about everything he did. We see in the 1st chapter that souji is literally a baby when they adopted him, right? So he lived with them for as long as he might remember. They're so sweet to him, how did he ever become scared of them to the point that he wants to return all the money he received from them?? It's like he never thought of them as family but just burden instead. A burden that keeps growing that he'll have to pay as soon as he can.
Now I get some ppl have low self-esteem. But I don't at all understand how you can get it when you're always been showered with love! Nobody was bad to him expect for his brother who was just a brat (until that rape and kissing happened. Then he most definitely wasn't just a brat anymore but before that he was just a brat). Souji negative thoughts about his parents were there even before he was kissed by his brother.
So my comment was not at all about him and his brother but souji and his parents. His oh so sweet parents that he treats like monsters who he must pay back. :/

Jesus, he is not treating them 'like monsters who he must pay back'. Are we even reading the same story? Honestly, educate yourself on the matter first. In real life people who have been adopted--even blood related children--struggle often times with feeling like a burden to their kind parents. It's exactly because their parents are kind, that they worry. Feeling like a burden, despite evidence showing that you are still loved, is not rooted in logic nor is it rooted in facts; it's rooted in feelings. It's a psychological and emotional war that some children face and struggle to let go. At least the author attempted to tackle something that is a very real problem adopted children experience. If you don't understand this, at least do your damn research before coming to wrong conclusions.

Hello, I guess you're well informed in that field then.
Anyways, in the 1st ep I saw him as a baby wrapped in clothes, carried by his mother fondly watching him together with his father. Now, he was adopted when he was too freaking young to even speak or walk.
So ever since forever he received love from his parents. He learned he's adopted and so, no matter how motherly or fatherly his parents are to him he can't help but be so scared by the thought of causing them trouble so much that he'd be near tears and tremble? And not only that, he'd even wants to move away already and pay everything they ever did for him.
To me it seems like he never thought of them as a family. He was a baby when he was adopted, not even a toddler, he understood nothing and for him they were always his parents but he acts like he's gotten the worst treatment from them :/
One would act like he does only if they were given that kind of treatment or were kind of old enough to understand a lot of things when they were adopted, thus not being able to form a bond between themselves and their parents.
So souji's behavior doesn't seem right to me. It seems like he has some mental issues. As if he's paranoid. :/

Again, read up on the subject because you are misguided.
He doesn't treat them as if he has gotten the worst treatment. He treats them exactly as every chapter has shown; as a person who does not want to be a burden to people who have given him everything. He thinks about them every step of the way; every chapter has shown that he is afraid of doing something that could make his adoptive parents hate him or see him as burden (he studies hard; he leaves the house once he is able; he tries to pay back all the expenses they have made etc.). Those are not the actions of someone who thinks he's gotten the worst treatment from them; those are the actions of someone who shows enough gratitude to lessen any burden those parents might have over him.
His fears are 100% understandable. Why? Because the difference between a blood related child and an adoptive child is that a parent will always be connected to a blood related child (i.e. by blood), whereas an adoptive child isn't connected by blood. It is, because of that, understandable if an adoptive child worries that they would be a burden. After all, there would be nothing keeping the adoptive child connected with the adoptive parents like with a blood related child. For example, recently there was a real life story about a Youtube couple who adopted a child. Later on they found out that the child had special needs. What did they do? They gave the kid back. That's far less likely to happen to a child that is connected by blood. It's no wonder that an adoptive child would be worried that they could be a burden to their adoptive parents and would do their best to seem like a perfect kid while still holding those worries. It's logical to be worried about this. It's logically to be afraid of this! He loves them, but an adoptive child sometimes holds fears that the lack of blood relation could more easily lead to being hated and or abandoned by their adoptive parents. Hence the: i don't want to burden them.
Okay I get it that the seme is cruel and messed in the head. But so is souji. I understand he's adopted, but seeing how nice his foster parents are, he shouldn't have felt so distant? He acts as if he was given the worst treatment by them just bcs Jin was a spoiled little brother to him.
What I'm saying is him thinking so negatively about his relationship with his parents is just plain dumb and doesn't make any sense unless souji is also fucked up in the head and doesn't have common sense and is just paranoid -.-