amazing one shot storys

hellokittyfatcooter October 19, 2020 4:01 pm

chapter 5 7 and 8 where so good i cried for all of them the girls really deserved better. honestly thought chapter 5 girl should have got the boy she liked but then again it is a bl. im so proud of the twin for being so restraint tho she just wanted to be equal to her brother. and cp 8 girl literly made me cry the most the fact she was treated so poorly and the kidnapper was the only one who treated her the best that she even came back it could be stockholm but he really wasnt that much of a perv i sort of liked him in a way.

    colourful.roads December 7, 2020 10:15 am

    I love ch 8 so much! I wish there was more of it...