
NOONA♡ October 19, 2020 12:55 am

For those who are complaining fuck ur self bc u dont understand wat a warning is u fucking dumbass if yall dont want rape then go fuck ur self if ur just gonna trash talk in here i have read this countless time bc of there cute misunderstanding. Haters go fuck ur self

(I feel like gordon ramsy lol)

    YAOI.4.LIFE October 20, 2020 3:17 pm
    Im just saying i like this kind of rape where they both like each other but they a little cute misunderstading but dosent mean i like this kind of rape when someone grabed or kidnapped someone then rape em . Im... NOONA♡

    people are sick of there being too many RAPES in mangas. This Is why you see people complaining in almost every yaoi comment section about the rapes in manga because there is too much of that going on to the point it looks like trash writing. People are allowed to comment about if they liked it or not bruh get that through your head

    YAOI.4.LIFE October 20, 2020 3:20 pm
    We are not hating u people and this not a kind of rape where a violent things is included okSome people just dont know how to appreciat thing like this ( ̄へ ̄) NOONA♡

    Bitch your comment fucking says "for those complaining about rape go fuck yourselves" how is that not fucking hate?

    YAOI.4.LIFE October 20, 2020 3:24 pm
    Tbh, its the fact that yall are trying to put down people that like the content. If someone is into that stuff, leave em be. You cant come in here coping around and getting mad at something ypu choose to read. ... MISTER JOSTAR

    People can get mad at things they don't like especially of it effects stuff they like. Rape has been in yaoi for years and people are tired of seeing it. People want to see yaoi with actual character development and actual plot twist rape is so common in yaoi it's no longer a fucking plot twist and just another regular thing to happen in yaoi. People are getting tired of seeing it

    Sylla October 20, 2020 5:10 pm
    People can get mad at things they don't like especially of it effects stuff they like. Rape has been in yaoi for years and people are tired of seeing it. People want to see yaoi with actual character developmen... YAOI.4.LIFE

    For me i always try my best to respect different opinion, but nowadays i cant even enjoy reading a damn manga without being lectured all the time. Bruh its a fiction and i truly understand that there will be people who likes and dislikes a certain genre or plot, but coming to a rape section intentionally or unintentionally and started to bash or lecture people who read this kind of stuff, yo what are they doing? Having an opinion about the story is fine but no need to label us as “disgusting people”, we out here just wanna enjoy reading some damn manga.

    People saying that theres a lot of people out there who are easily triggered or having a trauma over this kind of things, well then what do you want me to do? Becareful next time then, stuff like this exist, or take my suggestion and just dont risk yourselves in a smut section and just go read comedy or some shit. Its the same with the type of people who enjoy reading gore and then a bunch of people just start calling them psycho bc theres people out there that battling with trauma over people they lost, im sorry, but thats stupid.

    People who complains about this type of genre i swear to god is the type of people who dont know how to separate fiction and reality. Just let me give you an example, you play fortnite and when you shoot people, you’ll laugh at them when they died, but that doesnt mean irl you gonna feel the same way when you shoot a human, i bet my life you gonna feel terrified even when its a bad guy who you gonna shoot, except if you’re either a psycho or a professional. When you read incest, and you have siblings, you not going to suddenly change and look at your siblings in a sexual way lmao, you only likes it bc the one who you see is a really cute boi and a manly character from a fiction story, you dont imagine it between you and your siblings and then suddenly felt the same way as the story you just read smh.

    Its the same with rape in a fiction, theres not even one of these people who approve or even praise the act of rape, we are disgusted by them as much as you guys do, but damn a fiction is a fiction and real is real life, you cant mix them both, you need to learn how to separate them and if you still couldn’t do it, then thats your own problem, your own opinion, thats okay, thats totally fine, just dont need to bash others who actually can separate between what reality and whats not, no need to lecture us about humanity or some shit and just let us enjoy a damn manga.

    Boo October 20, 2020 8:46 pm
    Tbh, its the fact that yall are trying to put down people that like the content. If someone is into that stuff, leave em be. You cant come in here coping around and getting mad at something ypu choose to read. ... MISTER JOSTAR

    then just ignore them lmao practice what you preach

    MISTER JOSTAR October 21, 2020 12:36 am
    Lol no one said you can't like it. Rape is disgusting to most people. People not liking it is a natural reaction. If you feel shame because you see people commenting about how gross the rape was but you liked i... YAOI.4.LIFE

    Lol yeah it can be used by everyone, but you have to make sure you're at least old enough to be here. Im so sorry, my child, this is no place for children (12 year olds because it triggers you lol)
    And this was all because you bit first so the blame is on you, young one. The fact that all you can do now is curse up a storm (much like a child tbh) is very telling. I can see that you have seen that you were in fact, in the wrong about bashing people who like reading this stiff, as not very kid friendly as it is, people can discuss a manga and disagree, but all you (you specifically) have done is bash nit only the work and content, but the people who read it. So yea. You put the guns up. You bit first. If yoh wanna keep going so I can keep calling you a 12 year old, please continue so I can call you a 10 year old.

    Lani October 22, 2020 12:57 am
    Lol yeah it can be used by everyone, but you have to make sure you're at least old enough to be here. Im so sorry, my child, this is no place for children (12 year olds because it triggers you lol)And this was ... MISTER JOSTAR

    If you're gonna be this much of a little bitch about the comments against rape, how about you just dont read the fucking comments?? It's like you're blind and retarded or something. "Dont read it if you dont like it uwu". Bitch, dont read the comments if you dont like them. That fucking simple. Go cry to someone else, dumbass.

    MISTER JOSTAR October 22, 2020 4:35 am
    Lol no one said you can't like it. Rape is disgusting to most people. People not liking it is a natural reaction. If you feel shame because you see people commenting about how gross the rape was but you liked i... YAOI.4.LIFE

    Omg! You're back! I missed you! How was class? Did you say hi to your teacher? Send them an apple for me!
    (If you haven't come to terms with having no real argument, its okay. It takes time for people to recover from something as traumatizing as someone having there own tastes. If you dont like, you dont read. Simple as that. I understand though, because children act out when they want attention, dont worry my child, you probably wont be this dull in the head forever.)

    MISTER JOSTAR October 22, 2020 4:49 am
    Lol no one said you can't like it. Rape is disgusting to most people. People not liking it is a natural reaction. If you feel shame because you see people commenting about how gross the rape was but you liked i... YAOI.4.LIFE

    Avoid the comment section? But aren't you (Yaoilover person) the sensitive soul who just came here to be offended?
    Is being offended like some weird kink of yours or..?

    MISTER JOSTAR October 22, 2020 4:54 am
    Bitch I can complain about it all I want you fucking low life. YAOI.4.LIFE

    Sit down, child.
    Rest up, and take your meds.
    Drink some cold apple juice with a sippy cup.
    Kiss your early onset essential crisis nitenite.
    After following these steps, walk yourself into the nearest medical center, have them check you in for care. When the local authorities show up, they'll help you fknd your parent's, because you're way to young to be flocking around here.

    12 year olds should stick around the shonen ai section.

    MISTER JOSTAR October 22, 2020 4:56 am
    Bitch I can complain about it all I want you fucking low life. YAOI.4.LIFE

    I hear a glass of chocolate milk helps growing children sleep well.
    Ya need a glass of milk?

    MISTER JOSTAR October 23, 2020 3:41 am
    Bitch I can complain about it all I want you fucking low life. YAOI.4.LIFE

    Heyyy whattup 12 year old. Hows school? I hope you remember to study for that test, stay away from the triggering content ya looney! Eat apples! Children need to eat healthy.

    lex October 23, 2020 6:07 am
    Heyyy whattup 12 year old. Hows school? I hope you remember to study for that test, stay away from the triggering content ya looney! Eat apples! Children need to eat healthy. MISTER JOSTAR

    dude u literally replied to the same comment like 3 times they heard u lmao