Bellerophon's height is above average, too. he's tall for 13/14 y.o child (already in 160 cm, based on the height chart on author's twitter. Phon's age in the imperial calendar should be 14, but his birth only got acknowledged 1 year later because reasons, and the boy didn't bother to add up anymore so he used the 13 y.o XD )
Abel's height will catch up after hibernation, but Aslan must be taller than both Abel and Bellerophon because of his genetic XD.
Here is the age list :
> Season 1 :
Maybelle 10, Phon 13/14, Abel 12, Aslan 14
> Season 2 :
Maybelle 11, Phon 14/15, Abel 13, Aslan 15
> Season 3-1 :
Maybelle 14, Phon 17, Abel 15, Aslan 17 (The boys don't have their birthday on that year. Maybelle celebrated her birthday first <in the new year>..)
> Season 3-2 :
Maybelle 18, Phon 21/22, Abel 20, Aslan 22
Isn't he a little too old for her I mean age doesn't mad but still he's like way older than her I like him tho also this man gonna get his ass kicked just touch her