
A_San October 18, 2020 10:09 am

So usually “rape” in most yaoi is in the gray zone and this “rape” here is a hard BAD
Like wtf why would he slash Uke’s fucking chest like that
And the cat ear boy had to fuckinh see it Ugh
I dun like the uke making excuses that much
A crime is a crime
I dun like the dude Minagi for bringing up beast this and that but apart from that
He’s right
Seme fucking choked, raped and injured uke

Pls give me some good redemption arc that could make all that forgivable but I dun see any thing that can be done to save this shit

He needs to get the cops called on him

Plus a slash like that on the chest would leave scar and stitches are prob needed
He would have died from blood loss
Haven’t people heard of dying from being attacked by lions
I remember this guy survived from a lion attack but he ended up with scars on his head from the claws
The dude is like a BIG ASS LION

    Bruce October 18, 2020 10:47 am

    No good redemption arc could ever make rape forgivable, so i think youre right. The rapist could have the saddest back story in the world and he would still be a rapist.
    (I read the warning about this having rape, but since this seems to be a new manga i thought they would portray it a little better than the classics where rape is just glossed over like its an everyday phenomenon.)

    Namika October 18, 2020 12:01 pm
    No good redemption arc could ever make rape forgivable, so i think youre right. The rapist could have the saddest back story in the world and he would still be a rapist. (I read the warning about this having ra... Bruce

    Preach, sister. I hate the logic uke used there. What bullshit.

    Maoooo October 18, 2020 4:55 pm

    The ukes just an idiot...fckin let it slipped all away like nothing fukin happened...im with minagi