Am I the only one who wants the original two together? (Im bad at names lmao) The photogra...

koi feather October 18, 2020 7:22 am

Am I the only one who wants the original two together? (Im bad at names lmao) The photographer gives me weird vibes. It feels like he's overly selfish sometimes, and that his reasons for liking the MC are forced coincidences. The way he asked MC not to help the actor guy;;;; ugh

The actor is focusing on change. He's acknowledging his mistakes and facing the the consequences not because he needs to, but because he understands that they're the products of his mistakes. The photographer just seems to want to monopolize the MC, keep him away from the brother, not because he's worried about MC, but because hes scared he'll lose him. He doesn't want to help the MC through his issues, he just selfishly wants someone to cater to his emotional needs at his beck and call.

It feels like the actor and the MC can exist independant of each other, which makes them even stronger together, so they can support each other but won't be completely unable to function without the other.

The mc with the photographer on the other hand, just feels like trying to crush two puzzle pieces together that dont fit together. MC can live fine without the photographer, but the photographer seems so dependant on the MC. He's dragging the mc down, putting the brief relief of his fears over the mcs mental state.

    Anonymous October 18, 2020 8:10 am


    It’s quite weird how some people think Taku really loves Haesoo when he only got into this situation because he wanted to covet JH’s love. He saw that they had something he never experienced before and wanted in on it. He is experiencing something new with Haesoo but it’s not genuine love.

    I think all three characters are finally being forced to just be honest with themselves about who they are and what they want out of love. After this experience, hopefully Taku will treat love less like a game and get to know someone genuinely for who they are and not based on how much they intrigue him.

    It seems that Haesoo and Joowon will get back together because they never stopped loving each other. They just had to learn how to love each other in the right way.

    Oppie October 18, 2020 9:03 am
    Agreed! It’s quite weird how some people think Taku really loves Haesoo when he only got into this situation because he wanted to covet JH’s love. He saw that they had something he never experienced before ... Anonymous

    Taku did tryna fuck around at first but he did loves Haesoo now, hence he do be heartbroken and accepting that haesoo's love is not for him. He pushing the relationship a bit but he still care about what haesoo might feel about it, he just taking chances. And don't say shit like Taku is the villain here when Haesoo and Joowon has plenty of chances to be together back in s1 but decided to stay in immature, toxic relationship and only became more accountable and mature after leaving each other? At first I thought it is about they both moving on each other, hence the relationship is unhealthy asf to be a ship. But after all these bullshits I suppose they didn't deserve Taku. The relationship only develop after Taku meddle in anyway. By the time Haesoo and Joowon settle shit down, I suppose Taku will not do anything to bother them and simply just find his own way to move on. Note cuz he's not immature like both Haesoo and Joowon are lol BYE.

    Wishy-washy October 18, 2020 9:09 am
    Taku did tryna fuck around at first but he did loves Haesoo now, hence he do be heartbroken and accepting that haesoo's love is not for him. He pushing the relationship a bit but he still care about what haesoo... Oppie

    Lmao what

    Anonymous October 18, 2020 9:09 am
    Taku did tryna fuck around at first but he did loves Haesoo now, hence he do be heartbroken and accepting that haesoo's love is not for him. He pushing the relationship a bit but he still care about what haesoo... Oppie

    Lmfao girl what? Why are Taku fans like this?

    I never called him a villain. I said the exact same thing you said, what Taku and Haesoon have isn’t genuine love. I’m sure Taku likes him and cares for him as a human but he doesn’t really even know Haesoo and that’s partially Haesoo’s fault.

    Taku was the catalyst to force Haesoo and Joowon to stop playing games with one another. Haesoo and Joowon were the catalyst for Taku to stop treatIng love/his partners as voyeuristic experiments. They all need to be more honest about love. They each learned that from one one another. Taku isn’t some innocent victim, he knew what he was doing from the start.

    Wishy-washy October 18, 2020 9:15 am
    Lmfao girl what? Why are Taku fans like this? I never called him a villain. I said the exact same thing you said, what Taku and Haesoon have isn’t genuine love. I’m sure Taku likes him and cares for him as ... Anonymous

    Lmao I know right imagine thinking Taku ever develops genuine love for Haesoo. NO. What he feels toward him is obsession. Infatuation.

    And lol Taku isn't as immature as J and H? Ok then so I guess Taku ruling up Joowon about him sleeping with Haesoo when Joowon confronted him in his studio was him being all mature, sooooo unlike some other people lmaooo what a clown

    Wishy-washy October 18, 2020 9:17 am
    Lmao I know right imagine thinking Taku ever develops genuine love for Haesoo. NO. What he feels toward him is obsession. Infatuation. And lol Taku isn't as immature as J and H? Ok then so I guess Taku ruling u... Wishy-washy

    *riling up

    Oppie October 18, 2020 11:22 am
    Lmao I know right imagine thinking Taku ever develops genuine love for Haesoo. NO. What he feels toward him is obsession. Infatuation. And lol Taku isn't as immature as J and H? Ok then so I guess Taku ruling u... Wishy-washy

    Lol I did say he's fucking around at first, that count as mature? Lmfao I'm saying he's not immature like both Haesoo and Joowon cuz he knew what he's getting into and he knew how shit going to end and NOT BEING A BITCH bout it LOL. And that's your opinion whether it's love or not since you're not gonna explain it why it's called obsession bruh. Taku did find love on Haesoo to me, tho he knew Haesoo will not love him back and thats the spotlight in his life?.To me its simple as that if they both Joowon and Haesoo thought they could settle down now, there's honestly plenty of chances they could settle shit down long ago back in s1 but . They be dragging shits since highschool till now there is 3rd person in their relationship and making shits more mess up lol and that's on their dumbasses .

    bhosutinax October 18, 2020 11:25 am
    Taku did tryna fuck around at first but he did loves Haesoo now, hence he do be heartbroken and accepting that haesoo's love is not for him. He pushing the relationship a bit but he still care about what haesoo... Oppie

    I swear Taku stans like you are the reason why I don't even bother proving a point cause I'll just end up losing brain cells. All you do is twist the reality of a chapter so that it favors that manipulative photographer. Your main resolve is always either "J x H's relationship was tOxiC" or "T is J's hEaLtHY second chance of lOvE".

    You think your stan is so 'deserving' and perfect when the truth is he only saw H as a plaything; a form of entertainment, a pass time until he goes back to Japan. Wake the fuck up. If you think J is toxic T isn't any better. At least J had a solid and selfless reason behind his actions, even if it made you question his principles a shit ton of time. What did T do? Oh I don't know. Maybe coerce an emotionally unstable guy into a trial relationship cause he found him attractive.

    I don't hate T. I genuinely don't. But majority of his fans really makes me change perspective. And I wonder if they actually understand the depth of the character they're stanning. It's just sad that the only reason you stan him is either because of his looks or because there isn't any other option besides J.

    Oppie October 18, 2020 11:34 am
    Lmfao girl what? Why are Taku fans like this? I never called him a villain. I said the exact same thing you said, what Taku and Haesoon have isn’t genuine love. I’m sure Taku likes him and cares for him as ... Anonymous

    Bruh that was for the top comment. And I ain't saying Taku is innocent victim either I'm just highlighting how dumb both Joowon and Haesoo are now that they be making other person start to hurt because of their fucked up relationship.and I do think it's love cuz that's the spotight in his life finding what loves means after years of fucking around tho he knew he ain't got a chance. But yeah I'm mad how the creator ain't doing him enough justice tbh. He did have his shits now just need his reward just like Joowon and Haesoo has lol.

    Oppie October 18, 2020 12:02 pm
    I swear Taku stans like you are the reason why I don't even bother proving a point cause I'll just end up losing brain cells. All you do is twist the reality of a chapter so that it favors that manipulative pho... bhosutinax

    Cool. Now point where I say all that or even do

    koi feather October 18, 2020 12:45 pm

    Oh my god y'all are scary lmao---everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I was just sharing mine. ;v; please dont take offence, im not looking to fight

    koi feather October 18, 2020 12:48 pm

    On a second thought please just ignore me this is getting sort of terrifying

    Nicky October 18, 2020 6:56 pm
    Bruh that was for the top comment. And I ain't saying Taku is innocent victim either I'm just highlighting how dumb both Joowon and Haesoo are now that they be making other person start to hurt because of their... Oppie

    What reward..... You don't even realize that if Taku gets hurt their is no one to blame he brought this upon himself so stop blaming Joowon and haesoo literally.... Brush before you start to speak or write anything about Taku being hurt by others read the manhwa properly first...... You cannot blame anyone for his own actions in hurting himself

    Oppie October 18, 2020 11:33 pm
    What reward..... You don't even realize that if Taku gets hurt their is no one to blame he brought this upon himself so stop blaming Joowon and haesoo literally.... Brush before you start to speak or write an... Nicky

    Why would u think I dont realize that? He did , but if he did not meddle in, the relationship between Joowon and Haesoo wouldn't be any better. No one to blame lol, Haesoo dragging shits, Joowon real slow on what he has to do. The whole story about both Joowon and Haesoo just dragging shits not talking shit out till there is 3rd person in their relationship and Haesoo deadass believe him. And literally Taku doing the most honestly in this story, even tryna fuck around on Haesoo, he did giving emotinal support to Haesoo when he started to realize he do loves him, and not even being a bitch about Haesoo not loving him back and if it ain't because of him Joowon wouldn't change either.

    Nicky October 19, 2020 3:43 am
    Why would u think I dont realize that? He did , but if he did not meddle in, the relationship between Joowon and Haesoo wouldn't be any better. No one to blame lol, Haesoo dragging shits, Joowon real slow on wh... Oppie

    Lol... So lame is that how it all concludes to you even after realizing that ... You still put the blame on others... This shows how you actually are, always putting the blame on other people ... Even if Haesoo and Joowon still doing the same shit over and over again then he shouldn't have involved himself in the first place... If you feel so fuckkking sad for him don't you think it would have been for the best if he don't even barch in on them (curiosity killed the cat and that's your Taku)..... And stop blaming others when your stan is to be blame for all the things he is going through..... It's not like we blame Taku for separating haesoo and Joowon thats what haesoo decided at that time.... When you see Taku might actually be alone at the end you start spouting bullshit... Just stop it you are wrong

    Jreadsall October 19, 2020 3:54 am
    Agreed! It’s quite weird how some people think Taku really loves Haesoo when he only got into this situation because he wanted to covet JH’s love. He saw that they had something he never experienced before ... Anonymous

    I stated this exact thing a while back. Taku doesn’t love Haesoo exactly because he never had what Haesoo and Joowon had that he wants it for himself so thinks by having Haesoo he can obtain what Joowon and Haesoo has had for years.

    Oppie October 19, 2020 7:24 am
    Lol... So lame is that how it all concludes to you even after realizing that ... You still put the blame on others... This shows how you actually are, always putting the blame on other people ... Even if Haes... Nicky

    Shit going around like this and bitch think she got the shit to say anything bout my personality bruh. Obviously I'm not pitying him, he knew tf he doing. The whole threads is about him not having enough justice when he's doing the most in this story lol.

    Wishy-washy October 19, 2020 12:04 pm

    Imma just say this to piss someone here, TAKU IS THE VILLAIN OF THIS STORY. Now whether that is true or not... I really couldn't give less a damn than I do about whether or not he deserves better.

    So yeah there I said it. What are you gonna do about it lmao

    Anyway who agrees with me say aye

    bhosutinax October 19, 2020 12:59 pm
    Shit going around like this and bitch think she got the shit to say anything bout my personality bruh. Obviously I'm not pitying him, he knew tf he doing. The whole threads is about him not having enough justic... Oppie

    but that's exactly it yo, what did he "do the most?". what'd this dude do to be so praised as a character of the story? in general? did he even do ANYTHING in s1 besides have sex with the mc? he was sneaky af the entire time; ulterior motives and selfish requests that lead to unnatural scenarios. idk man you give him too much credit than he deserves.

    Nicky October 19, 2020 6:15 pm
    Imma just say this to piss someone here, TAKU IS THE VILLAIN OF THIS STORY. Now whether that is true or not... I really couldn't give less a damn than I do about whether or not he deserves better.So yeah there ... Wishy-washy

    Seriously man just to piss off this oppie he is the villain and this mf still can't understand that she is wrong..... Dafuq calling someone a bitch when the first bitch here is Taku....