I almost feel guilty for suggesting this, but I can't help but feel apprehensive over some...

JynxMontsunami October 18, 2020 5:05 am

I almost feel guilty for suggesting this, but I can't help but feel apprehensive over something like she ends up having a miscarriage soon after discovering that she likes him. Just because of a superstition in my family about not giving the baby a name until it's been born. Maybe I've been reading too many dramas lately.

    telysiv October 18, 2020 7:12 am

    technically the name that she gave the baby is just something to call them by before they're born not really their name. Like you wouldn't want to call your baby by "it" or something similar even if they haven't been born yet. also the name comes from the two lines on the pregnancy test. "doo"=two and "jool"=line, tho you might already know that. i cant remember if the webtoon went over this already.....

    telysiv October 18, 2020 7:14 am

    honestly tho, i hope the author wont create more drama through a miscarriage....i already feel really affectionate to her child even tho they havent been born yet