Who said she raped the Ml ? she did nothing like that, it was actually the opposite , dont forget that getting a heir is her only way to go back to her previous life. AND SHE DIDNT RAPE HIM AT ALL AND IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. she knew nothing abt the ML but the fact that she needs to give him a heir however later on she got mad when she discovered that they gave him drugs and she called the servants out for forcing their master to crossbreed and in ch 25 she actually started searching for ways to undo the curse . abt how u go from black to white after generations I can proudly say it happens and its normal... Historically my origins have almost the same history .. my country and the countries next to us were habited by alot of tribes. We had the Caucasian berbers and the Tuaregs which were also berbers they didnt have the same race but they had everything else in commun, they had a good relationship however they had seperated tribes . After the Kingdom of Numidia was united all of these races became one and the Tuaregs indeed became "whiter" . Im proud of that fact and I think it symbolises love and Union and peace people actually had for each others thousands years ago. Stop thinking of everything as RACIST AND OFFENDING.

Okay I dropped this after that first of all and it is RAPE. Animals cannot consent. It has been stated that he lost almost all semblances of humanity at that point and even if he does have humanity about him, he is literally an animal. And it was clear that he didn't like her touching his fucking wolf cock. That's rape. Idfk she still did it, if she was gonna call them out she should've done it before and

She couldnt call them out cause she didnt know a goddamn thing she was just a man on a mission Hell she didnt even know if he was completely wolf or partially human or anything add to that she didnt even touch his dick ,animal's dick doesnt get out of their skin or furr or whatever u call it if they are not erect .. it was stated in the first chapters she just looked at it, discovered the furr thing and got out to tell the servants .. please reread the chap .. after she knew he was a complete canine she never touched him and she just treated him as a nrml pet.
Cannot enjoy this at all. For someone supposedly incredibly strong and intelligent who managed two successful coups in her past life and even specified she can do it again, she supposedly cannot BS her way out of tryna fuck a wolf man who has lost almost all semblance of humanity because, as other readers have told me, "she basically has a gun to her head and is forced into it" because of her family possibly getting hurt. Like come on have y'all never fucking watched Game of Thrones? If she's so smart she can scheme up things like feigning weakness to not fuck the wolf man considering no one can approach him. What are they gonna do? Kill her and purge her family for it when they can't even do it? All she has to do is go in, let herself get hurt a bit, and run out sobbing. Or she can overpower the house by force which shouldn't be so hard considering her past feats and how she specified she can easily do it again. But whatever let's go the beastiality route and try and force the poor wolf man into having sex with her when he clearly cannot consent to it and clearly doesn't like being touched or want to be touched. She is made OP for the sake of it and actually doesn't do anything admirable imo. And you cannot excuse beastiality and rape, sorry not sorry so don't @ me with BS.
In her original life, she is a descendant from the only presented POC group who was generally purged by white people and as their populations dwindle they all of a sudden become pale white redheads, with red hair being a defining trait. How do you go from brown skin to pale redhead? How is that even acceptable? They also are basically similar to Romani people and their culture is appropriated considering it is misrepresented and in my opinion, exoticized, and then turned incredibly white. Whitewashing at its finest.
I honestly had such high hopes for this manhwa. In the first couple of chapters it seemed really promising. Lovely art and what seemed like a good storyline in development. But the moment she rapes the ML I was fucking done. It's dead wrong and no one should enjoy this manhwa or even think she's a good character and strong FL. I have even seen people simping over her in the topic section... Disgusting and deplorable