Anyways Seonjae although annoying you can’t really fault him because yea

IDCcallmewhatever October 16, 2020 12:25 pm

Everyone raving on how Junwoo didn’t do anything wrong when he kinda lowkey did tho lmao

Like I understand everyone is rooting for him and all but like all the other guys have been fairly competing and collecting stickers for days just to be the first one to eat Dongha’s blood and he legit only has one

Like Dongha is specifically put in there house to be like some type of blood donor by that nice uncle for the other dudes, so him eating Dongha’s blood just like that kinda just wasted literally everyone else’s effort in a snap XD

And it looks like he didn’t even tell the others so I presume the sticker thing is just gonna prolong which is pointless since none of them are gonna be first

Like unless he suddenly has a change of heart and fesses up (he’s really shy so I don’t think so the whole reason he only has one sticker is because he was flustered) and let’s everyone just drink/eat Dongha’s blood freely (which is literally his job of being there in return for free rent and stuff) then even if it’s unintentional it is literally Junwoo’s fault

    Kin October 16, 2020 12:28 pm

    seonjae's "was it a terminal illness, it was just a cold, right?" hits the point home I think

    Marie || nini <3 October 16, 2020 1:19 pm

    i get what you’re saying, but at the end of the day it’s dongha’s blood and he’s free to do whatever he wants with it. obviously this could upset the others cause they’ve been working hard but they’re kinda lucky to even have the opportunity to begin with lol. juwon is responsible for his choices but he isn’t responsible for the ones dongha made.