Sick of dumb cunts

RiriMay October 16, 2020 6:56 am

Yeah yeah boohoo you crybaby bitches didn't want them to end up together because blah blah blah this and that. Just drop it already. The characters are happy and the author likes this ending but people still gotta go ahead and be salty because it's not what they wanted. It's okay to respectfully state that you are not pleased with the ending but still enjoy the story. Yet here I am seeing bitches commenting that they think their ideal ending would be better and now they think the story is crappy because of the happy ending. News flash YOU GUYS ARE NOT THE AUTHORS and the author knows what ending is best for HER story. Y'all don't know shit, so stop claiming that you know what a better ending would be. Go make your own manhua then if you're such a genius. It's true that you are the audience and that your tastes must also be considered but does things always go your way? Does the world revolve around you? No, and it never will. The epilogue already came out and it's annoying to see comments like this still when the actual ended MONTHS ago. By now I would have expected for stupid comments to be gone but whenever I look it's always people complaining. Oh, and for ppl thinking that you're free to state your opinion? Well my opinion is that y'all are dumb cunts. Go ahead and downvote my comment and respond with saltiness but yall are still dumb cunts either way.

    IamJustaStranger October 16, 2020 7:02 am

    Lmaoooo love this comment .Preach

    RiriMay October 16, 2020 7:05 am
    Lmaoooo love this comment .Preach IamJustaStranger

    LMAOOO Yeah I just ripped off my filter and wrote whatever came to mind. I'm sick of these damn crybaby bitches fr.

    sam October 16, 2020 7:10 am

    lol yah fuck them (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸...i loved everything and the ending (▰˘◡˘▰), it was perfect.(/TДT)/

    SisterFriede October 16, 2020 7:18 am

    If i could give you a 100 thumbs up, i wouldve given it

    pai October 16, 2020 7:25 am

    It's not a happy ending. It's fine if you like it. It's just not a happy one. If you think it's a happy ending, then I guess you won't mind being raped and done all that. You would forgive your rapist, and even live with him and be happy. Good for you. And don't use "circumstances" or the "past" as an excuse. Rape is rape, no matter what. ;)

    pai October 16, 2020 7:28 am

    Oh, and by the way, the story was spectacular! Just the ending was awful.

    SisterFriede October 16, 2020 7:32 am
    Oh, and by the way, the story was spectacular! Just the ending was awful. pai

    No its good. They both made mistakes, and they forgave each other and start anew. Thats the best ending.

    Amatiste October 16, 2020 8:01 am

    "It's true that you are the audience and that your tastes must also be considered"
    Well, jokes on those whiny brats if they regards themselves as audiences who only read from here for FREE then think their opinions matter cuz their tastes don't worth shit especially for the authors...
    All they can do just bullshit the author here, right? But then still proceed to read this to the end and still whine to the end LOL

    I agree with what you said, those who can only see this story SOLELY as another cliche trope of victim fell for his rapist or stockholm syndrome, certainly needs to sharpen their comprehension skill in reading cuz their missing a lot of points the authors want to convey

    RiriMay October 16, 2020 8:24 am
    It's not a happy ending. It's fine if you like it. It's just not a happy one. If you think it's a happy ending, then I guess you won't mind being raped and done all that. You would forgive your rapist, and even... pai

    ok dumb cunt ;)

    RiriMay October 16, 2020 8:29 am

    Thanks everyone for the support! I did not expect my rage comment to have positive reception. And to anyone to disagrees with me I'm simply gonna call them a dumb cunt or not bother replying at all. Usually I do not like name calling, but sometimes it has to be done. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    SisterFriede October 16, 2020 8:52 am
    Thanks everyone for the support! I did not expect my rage comment to have positive reception. And to anyone to disagrees with me I'm simply gonna call them a dumb cunt or not bother replying at all. Usually I d... RiriMay

    Thats because your comment was a breath of fresh air. You understood what the author was trying to tell us.
    Rape isnt good, never will. The author isnt trying to romantise it.
    Instead, she drew a story of two men who made mistakes in their lives, and they paid dearly for it. But they also grew, aknowledge their mistakes and shortcomings, and decide to heal together.
    This is one of the best stories i have read in my 34 years.

    RiriMay October 16, 2020 10:31 am
    Thats because your comment was a breath of fresh air. You understood what the author was trying to tell us.Rape isnt good, never will. The author isnt trying to romantise it.Instead, she drew a story of two men... SisterFriede

    Thank you ♡ And yes, you are so right. Some idiots just can't comprehend how complex emotions and relationships can be.

    pai October 23, 2020 10:39 pm
    Thats because your comment was a breath of fresh air. You understood what the author was trying to tell us.Rape isnt good, never will. The author isnt trying to romantise it.Instead, she drew a story of two men... SisterFriede

    Rape is a mistake for you? Thank God I never encountered anyone who thinks that. But enjoy! I doubt anyone can "grow and heal" together with his rapist. But if it's your cup of tea, it's fine. What I criticize is the way readers are trying to justify what can never, ever, under no circumstance, no matter what, be justified. Even if the victim tricked him in the past, lied to him, used and discarded him, nothing. The only thing that would justify it is if it's revenge for another CRIME, not a mistake, a crime (raping a rapist, killing a killer). Good luck justifying crime!

    RiriMay October 24, 2020 12:32 am
    Rape is a mistake for you? Thank God I never encountered anyone who thinks that. But enjoy! I doubt anyone can "grow and heal" together with his rapist. But if it's your cup of tea, it's fine. What I criticize ... pai

    Revenge with another crime is not justifiable, that would just make you a criminal as well. If you are so upset with this story and cannot stand the thought of rape victims ending up with their rapists when why even bother replying to comments that clearly disagree with you? But of course you wanna pick fights with people who liked the ending to make up for how bitter you feel. Oh, and most yaoi/BL have that rape shit so I don't know what to say. Stop reading the dark plots and stick to shounen ai then, you can't handle anything past that obviously. It's like walking into a donut shop and trying to find a cake, literally what did you expect.

    SisterFriede October 24, 2020 6:10 am
    Rape is a mistake for you? Thank God I never encountered anyone who thinks that. But enjoy! I doubt anyone can "grow and heal" together with his rapist. But if it's your cup of tea, it's fine. What I criticize ... pai

    I think you need glasses bro. Where did anyone say rape is a 'mistake'? At least I didnt say so.
    Its not acceptable, never will be. Like i said, the author didnt romantise it.
    The two chars both did mean things to each other, and in the end they decided to start over from scratch. They are both victims. And if they think they can heal by staying together in a good relationship, where they take babysteps, then they should go for it.
    Prof. Help doesnt work for everyone ( talk about experience )
    So if they find their own way, its ok.